Attend a Hershey Open House or Visitors’ Day

Attend a Hershey Open House or Visitors’ Day


Hershey Montessori School open houses are scheduled through May 2023.



Registration is required.


Concord Campus, Birth-6th Grade: 10229 Prouty Road, Concord, Ohio 44077
  • Wednesday, March 8, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • Wednesday, May 10, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 am
Huntsburg Campus, 7th-12th Grade: 11530 Madison Road, Huntsburg, Ohio 44046
  • March 31, 2023 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • April 10, 2023 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am 
  • May 8, 12023 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Register Now

What Is an Open House?

An Open House is a set time for prospective parents and students to visit our school campus to learn more about Hershey Montessori School’s curriculum and culture. The Open House is structured to provide a better understanding of what a school has to offer. There are numerous benefits of attending these school open houses, many of which cannot be achieved by simply browsing a school’s website. Not only do open houses allow you to see the campus, but they also provide valuable insight into the programs and culture of each school. 


What Are the Benefits of Attending an Open House?

Prospective families and students benefit greatly by attending a Hershey Montessori School Open House. There is only so much that can be learned from literature, browsing a website and its videos, or even peer reviews. An in-person visit provides greater understanding through physical experience.

When participating in a school Open House event:

  • You have face-to-face dialogue with school personnel and sometimes students.
  • You experience authentic classroom settings.
  • You learn more about the curriculum and will be able to differentiate between Hershey Montessori School and other schools.
  • You will gain a clearer understanding of the school’s values and its approach to education.
  • You will learn what outcomes can be expected from our Montessori education model.
  • You learn how the school communicates with you about your child’s educational progress.
  • You will get a feel for the culture of the school.
  • You will learn things that help you in your decision-making process.
  • You are given the opportunity to ask questions.
  • You will meet some really nice people! 🙂


What to Expect

You will be given a tour of the school building(s) and see our Montessori classrooms and our outdoor space that provides stress-reducing connections to nature. A presentation will be given, allowing time afterward for a question and answer session.



Attending a Hershey Montessori School Open House will inform and equip you to make the best decision for your child’s education. It will also allow you to visualize your child in the school setting and determine if it is a good fit. The feeling you get from being on campus will be an important indicator of whether the school is a good choice for your child and family. Ask questions, be open-minded, and trust your parental instincts.

2022-2023 Campus Visit Opportunities

2022-2023 Campus Visit Opportunities

What Is an Open House and Visitors’ Day?

Open House’s and Visitors’ Days are a set time for prospective parents to visit our school. They are structured to provide a clearer understanding of our Montessori approach to education, Hershey’s academic curriculum, and campus atmosphere. There are numerous benefits of attending an Open House or Visitors’ Day, many of which cannot be achieved by simply browsing our school website. By attending one of these events, you are able to experience Hershey Montessori School, our classrooms, and oftentimes our staff. You will gain valuable insight into the programs and culture of our school. 

If you are ready to learn more and have your questions answered, please register to attend.




Concord Campus, Birth-6th Grade: 10229 Prouty Road, Concord, Ohio 44077

Open Houses

2nd Wednesday of the following months:

  • February 8th  | 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • March 8th  | 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • April 12th | 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • May 10th | 9:00 – 11:00 am
Huntsburg Campus, 7th-12th Grade: 11530 Madison Road, Huntsburg, Ohio 44046

Visitors’ Days

    • February 13, 2023 | 9:00 am – 11:00 am
    • March 31, 2023 | 1:00 – 3:00 pm
    • April 10, 2023 | 9:00 am – 11:00 am
    • May 8, 2023 | 9:00 am – 11:00 am


What to Expect

You will be given a tour of the school building(s) and see our Montessori classrooms and our outdoor space that provides stress-reducing connections to nature. A presentation will be given, allowing time afterward for a question and answer session.



As you attend one of these visiting opportunities, you will be better informed and equipped to make the best decision for your child’s education. It will allow you to visualize your child in this specific school setting and determine whether it may be a good fit. The feeling you get from being on campus will be an important indicator of whether the school is a good choice for your child and family. Ask questions, be open-minded, and trust your parental instincts.


What Are the Benefits of In-Person Visits?

Prospective families and students benefit greatly by attending one of our visiting opportunities. There is only so much that can be learned from literature, browsing a website and its videos, or even peer reviews. An in-person visit provides greater understanding through physical experience.

When attending:

  • You have face-to-face dialogue with school personnel and sometimes students.
  • You experience authentic classroom settings.
  • You learn more about the curriculum and will be able to differentiate between Hershey Montessori School and other school options.
  • You gain a clearer understanding of the school’s values and its approach to education.
  • You learn what outcomes can be expected from our Montessori education model.
  • You learn how the school communicates with you about your child’s educational progress.
  • You get a feel for the culture of the school.
  • You learn things that help you in your decision-making process.
  • You are given the opportunity to ask questions as they arise.
  • You meet some really nice people!

We hope you will join us as you search out your child’s education options. We value families who value education. We sincerely look forward to meeting you!

Hershey’s In-Person Gala Returns

Hershey’s In-Person Gala Returns

Save the Date – May 2022!

We are thrilled to be back in person this year with a live gala event! We invite you to join us in-person for this always-incredible annual spring fundraiser.

Journey to our Enchanted Garden Gala on Saturday, May 21 at 5:30 pm at Meadow Ridge Farm.  

This will be a beautiful evening spent in nature’s fresh spring air under a heated shelter, lending to a magical night amongst the wonderful Hershey community and its supporters.

Meadow Ridge Farm Venue

You will be surrounded by majestic views at the Meadow Ridge Farm venue while participating in silent and live auctions. You will be given the opportunity to enjoy the delicious offerings of the dessert dash, and appreciate the new twist on the wine pull this year that now includes the addition of craft beer.

While the gala is a wonderful time amongst friends, it also serves to provide the critically needed funding that benefits the children of Hershey and supports this successful educational template for students all over the world. Proceeds from the event go directly toward maintaining and enhancing optimal learning environments, staff development, and operational needs.

Be sure to check back on our website at the end of February for information on purchasing tickets for the Enchanted Garden Gala.

If you would like information on volunteering for this event, donating to it, or sponsorship opportunities, please see the links provided here.

Please note: this event will follow CDC guidelines related to social distancing and possibly require masks and/or proof of vaccination status.

Staff Spotlight: Karen Hannan-DeWalt

Staff Spotlight: Karen Hannan-DeWalt

This month’s Staff Spotlight features Hershey Montessori School Children’s House Guide, Karen Hannan-DeWalt. Karen first joined the Hershey family in 1993 as a parent before obtaining her Montessori diploma and starting work at the school in 1998. As a Children’s House guide, Karen’s job is to observe the children’s interests, needs, social interactions, and readiness for lessons. Using these observations, she seeks out the most effective ways to connect children to work that offers just the right amount of challenge to engage their bodies and minds. She wants her students to work toward success and to feel like their presence in, and contributions to, the community are meaningful. She enjoys supporting the development of good citizens and thoughtful leaders.

Having been trained in biology, she offers a unique perspective to Hershey students. “I love to connect the children to nature, and I revel in their discoveries,” says Karen. Her favorite part about working at Hershey is the connections she makes with her students. She loves working with the same children for 3 or 4 years as it gives her the opportunity to know each student deeply. Karen views it as a privilege to witness her students’ successes and growth over this span of time and to watch them become leaders in the community.

Before coming to Hershey, Karen was a stay-at-home mom with her children for several years. Prior to that, she worked as a cytogenetics technologist, a college biology teaching assistant, and an environmental planner. Karen grew up in Wickliffe, Ohio, and currently resides in Hambden Township near Chardon. She is married and has three grown sons who all went to Hershey from the age of one all the way through middle school. She also has one granddaughter who participated in Hershey’s Parent-Infant program.

Below is our full interview with Karen:


What brought you to Hershey?

I was introduced to Hershey by the founder of its precursor, Western Reserve Montessori, who recommended the school for my oldest son. After one visit, I was hooked. The children seemed happy, engaged, and peaceful. After many observations of my own children at work in their environments, I felt compelled to become trained as a guide.


What draws you to Montessori?

Children are respected as individuals and the whole child is nurtured. Mixed age groups in one community creates a family-like atmosphere where older children generously share their skills with younger children. Maria Montessori was ahead of her time, and her observations and ideas have now been confirmed by modern neuroscience. I get very excited talking about it!


Favorite Hershey memory?

Seeing my sons happily working in their classrooms when they were younger.


Favorite place to go?

Any creek or river. That is my happy place.


Favorite thing to do?

The most peaceful thing I have ever done is snorkel in the Cayman Islands. I also like to kayak and work in my yard.


Little known fact about you?

I love hardware stores and tools.


How would your friends and family describe you?

Loving, likes to laugh, and good listener.


How would you describe yourself?

An observer of human nature, an introvert, someone who likes to connect one on one.


What has been your happiest moment?

Seeing my sons grow to be good humans.


What is a big life lesson you would like to share with others?

If you live true to yourself with integrity, you won’t have any regrets.


We cannot thank Karen enough for her contributions to our school community. She is a friend, mentor, and role model to all of her fellow staff and students, and it is an honor to have her as a member of our Hershey family.

Head of Hershey Shares Insights on Developing Leaders and Global Education in a Pandemic

Head of Hershey Shares Insights on Developing Leaders and Global Education in a Pandemic

Hershey Head of School, Paula Leigh-Doyle, was recently interviewed by Crain’s Cleveland Business. Leigh-Doyle shared perspectives that were incorporated in two news stories now published by Crain’s in its Crain’s 2021 Private School Planner. These articles include insights on developing future leaders and maintaining focus on global education during the pandemic.

In the article about developing tomorrow’s leaders, Leigh-Doyle was given a chance to share how a Montessori education helps students learn how to find leadership within themselves. “We’re student-led learning with adult guides,” says the Head of School. “Students are trained to be independent thinkers and interdependent collaborators.” You can read the rest of Crain’s article, Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders, here.

In another article, Thinking Outside the Screen: Schools maintain focus on global education, experiential learning during a pandemic, Leigh-Doyle had the opportunity to speak about the importance of Hershey Montessori School’s international alumni during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. School enrollment dropped from 280 to about 250 students as boarders were unable to come to the school due to the COVID pandemic travel restrictions and health recommendations. “We’ve always had a framework for looking at education globally,” Leigh-Doyle says in the article. “And our international borders and alumni were really effective for us to connect globally when we couldn’t fly to those places.” Read the full article, Thinking Outside the Screen: Schools maintain focus on global education, experiential learning during a pandemic here.

Additionally, Hershey’s beautiful 13-acre Concord campus and 97-acre Huntsburg campus were featured in Crain’s Private School Planner. Importantly mentioned is the unique “microeconomy” at the Huntsburg campus, where academic concepts are integrated with economics and entrepreneurism, as students enhance their personal growth, along with their business, communication, and managerial skills. You can see this feature of Hershey Montessori School in Crain’s 2021 Private School Planner here.

Crain’s Cleveland Business journal is owned and operated by Crain Communications Inc. Crain is one of the most well recognized communications companies in the world, reaching over 78 million readers globally. Crain’s has 10 global locations with over 600 employees who manage Crain’s 20 industry-leading communication brands. It is an honor and pleasure to be able to share the lens of our Head of School and to share the examples of our Montessori institution with Crain’s Cleveland Business.

To schedule an interview or collaborative meeting with Paula Leigh-Doyle, contact Hershey Communications Director, Deanna Shrum, at dshrum@hershey-montessori.org.