
Hershey Adolescents Undergo Suicide Prevention Training

Mental health training professionals from the Integrated Student Supports and Prevention Services for the ESCWR (Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve) came to Hershey Montessori School’s Huntsburg Campus to lead Middle and Upper School students in QPR Training. They were impressed with the students’ openness, respectful demeanor, and thoughtful questions.

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer, and its mission is to reduce suicidal behavior and save lives by providing innovative, practical, and proven suicide prevention training. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to best help.

QPR training teaches both adults and adolescents to identify signs that other people, especially adolescents, may be at risk for attempting suicide. QPR is a nationally recognized, research-based approach to providing life-saving, short-term support and refers people to the professional help they need.

Hershey’s Huntsburg staff was fortunate enough to receive this training earlier this year and will now be able to share a common language with the adolescent students. Providing social-emotional support is not only a focal point in Montessori education but it is also a renewed commitment by school leadership and staff to ensure that every student has the support and the tools to navigate social and emotional challenges they or their friends and peers might encounter.

Through Hershey Montessori School’s close partnerships with parents, our Social-Emotional Learning program, our collaboration with mental health professionals through Family Pride of Northeast Ohio, regular student check-ins with staff advisors, and our holistic, adolescent community-centered Montessori approach, our goal is to guide and support students to recognize and respond to mental and emotional health needs for themselves and others.

For more information about the QPR student training, please visit the QPR website at: https://www.qprinstitute.com/ :