Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Hershey Montessori School invites you to Grandparents and Special Friends Day* at the Concord Campus on Friday, May 5, 2023, from 9:00 – 10:30 am. The campus is located at 10229 Prouty Road, Concord Township.
This event is open to grandparents and special friends of Hershey’s Concord students. We look forward to welcoming guests in the gym with refreshments. Guests will then be guided to the appropriate classroom to meet the child’s teacher and allow the children to share their work and introduce their friends.
Hershey will be using a valet service to facilitate parking and kindly requests that guests or the child’s parents RSVP by Wednesday, April 12, by clicking on the survey link in the email already sent to families. Additional details are provided in that email as well.
*Please note that if a grandparent is unable to attend, students are free to invite another loving adult to visit on this day.
Attend a Hershey Open House or Visitors’ Day

Attend a Hershey Open House or Visitors’ Day


Hershey Montessori School open houses are scheduled through May 2023.



Registration is required.


Concord Campus, Birth-6th Grade: 10229 Prouty Road, Concord, Ohio 44077
  • Wednesday, March 8, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • Wednesday, May 10, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 am
Huntsburg Campus, 7th-12th Grade: 11530 Madison Road, Huntsburg, Ohio 44046
  • March 31, 2023 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • April 10, 2023 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am 
  • May 8, 12023 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Register Now

What Is an Open House?

An Open House is a set time for prospective parents and students to visit our school campus to learn more about Hershey Montessori School’s curriculum and culture. The Open House is structured to provide a better understanding of what a school has to offer. There are numerous benefits of attending these school open houses, many of which cannot be achieved by simply browsing a school’s website. Not only do open houses allow you to see the campus, but they also provide valuable insight into the programs and culture of each school. 


What Are the Benefits of Attending an Open House?

Prospective families and students benefit greatly by attending a Hershey Montessori School Open House. There is only so much that can be learned from literature, browsing a website and its videos, or even peer reviews. An in-person visit provides greater understanding through physical experience.

When participating in a school Open House event:

  • You have face-to-face dialogue with school personnel and sometimes students.
  • You experience authentic classroom settings.
  • You learn more about the curriculum and will be able to differentiate between Hershey Montessori School and other schools.
  • You will gain a clearer understanding of the school’s values and its approach to education.
  • You will learn what outcomes can be expected from our Montessori education model.
  • You learn how the school communicates with you about your child’s educational progress.
  • You will get a feel for the culture of the school.
  • You will learn things that help you in your decision-making process.
  • You are given the opportunity to ask questions.
  • You will meet some really nice people! 🙂


What to Expect

You will be given a tour of the school building(s) and see our Montessori classrooms and our outdoor space that provides stress-reducing connections to nature. A presentation will be given, allowing time afterward for a question and answer session.



Attending a Hershey Montessori School Open House will inform and equip you to make the best decision for your child’s education. It will also allow you to visualize your child in the school setting and determine if it is a good fit. The feeling you get from being on campus will be an important indicator of whether the school is a good choice for your child and family. Ask questions, be open-minded, and trust your parental instincts.

Event: Understanding ADD/ADHD and Sensory Processing Issues

Event: Understanding ADD/ADHD and Sensory Processing Issues

Join us to learn more about ADD/ADHD and Sensory Processing issues with Dr. Tammy Gutierrez on Thursday, April 27th from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. This event will be held at our Concord Campus located at 10229 Prouty Road in Concord Township.

Many children struggle with processing information and paying attention, and it can be confusing and frustrating to figure out how best to help. Understanding what is
happening in the brain to cause these issues can help you find solutions that work for your child and family, whether that is lifestyle, behavioral therapies, medication (over the
counter or prescription), or a combination of these options. Every child and every family is unique, so we will discuss the entire menu of strategies to help each family find what
works best for them.

Dr. Tammy Gutierrez is a board-certified family physician with additional training in Functional Medicine. She has been helping children and families address these issues for more than 20 years, while also walking the walk as the parent of a child with visual processing issues. She will share a plethora of resources, tools, and tips to support you as you navigate your particular challenges in this area.

This event is open to everyone. Childcare is being offered to Hershey families with 24-hour advance RSVP. Those who wish to attend may RSVP by calling 440-357-0918 or emailing the number of people attending to RSVP@hershey-montessori.org.

SHINE, Hershey Gala 2023, is May 6th!

SHINE, Hershey Gala 2023, is May 6th!

Join us for a wonderful evening among Hershey friends and supporters. Gala guests will enjoy a champagne welcome, dinner, an open bar, an exclusive live auction, a wine and craft beer pull, and so much more.

The event title, “Shine” is from the well-known children’s song, “Let it Shine” (unknown origin). Shine is specially designed to celebrate the light in every child that is waiting to be ignited through the joy of learning.

The event takes place Saturday, May 6th, 2023 from 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm, at The Everly in Mentor, Ohio.

While the gala is a wonderful time amongst friends, it also serves to provide vital funding that benefits the children of Hershey. It supports this successful educational template for students all over the world. Proceeds from the event go directly toward maintaining and enhancing optimal learning environments, staff development, and operational needs.

Seating is limited. Be sure to buy your tickets early. 

Get more information or register here.

Middle School Students Thrive with Hershey’s Integrated Academics

Middle School Students Thrive with Hershey’s Integrated Academics

Students Excel with Experiential Learning, Using a Global View, Whole Systems Approach

Nicole Lederle, Middle School Guide

It started in the classroom and then continued in the woodshop, where collaboration met conceptualization, which ultimately led students to a new marketable product.

Nicole Lederle, leading Hershey middle schooler’s Industrial Revolution Humanities class, invited collaboration with Sean Wheeler, Hershey’s Woodshop Manager.

Students were assigned readings about the historical context surrounding production in the late 19th century, including an analysis of quantity vs. quality with cottage industries and factory production, noting related working conditions for minors and adults. Nicole wanted students to have a sensorial experience of a working assembly line. Sean proposed a wooden cell phone amplifier for a case study.

After a thorough safety orientation, students took detailed observation notes in the Program Barn as Sean made a single amplifier as a craftsperson would. The process required seven different power tools and the application of polish to reveal the wood’s rich, cherry color. Students were trained at different workstations in the following class, and in a future class, they will run a real assembly line, including counting how many amplifiers can be produced in the time it took a craftsperson to make just one while working alone.

Additionally, the middle school Humanities class seamlessly linked to the campus Microeconomy program, a cornerstone of Montessori education, which is structured to provide adolescents with purposeful opportunities to participate in and manage small business endeavors in order to grow through the personal experience of economic activity. Students were tasked with conducting a cost analysis.

Student-crafted wooden phone amplifiers

They learned that the phone amplifier’s raw materials cost about $5 per unit. Each finished cell phone amplifier sells for approximately $30 at market.

After playing music 30% louder than the phone’s unaided speaker, Sean measured a flat board that had been milled from a felled tree on the school’s campus. Each board was long enough to make just over four amplifiers. Stacking the boards, he counted by increments of $120 as students’ eyes widened: “$120, $240, $360, $480, $600…”

As adolescents use their brains and hands, working and growing in responsibility, they gain respect for the value of labor and learn that they, too, are capable of it.

Dr. Maria Montessori advised that educators should not give more to the brain than we give to the hand, and Hershey’s middle school guides are doing an incredible job balancing that, while creating a collaborated, whole systems, experiential approach for their students.

Event: The Wonder of the Elementary Child

Event: The Wonder of the Elementary Child

Dr. Montessori made it clear that the mind of the child at the elementary level is working in an exciting new manner. It is very different than we experienced in children from 3-6 years of age. These natural characteristics require the adults who surround them to give support and guidance creatively and appropriately. Pat Ludick will speak about these new characteristics and how we respond, with intention, to this important period of human development at the Elementary Levels at Hershey Montessori School.

Patricia Ludick is in her thirty-seventh year of working in Montessori education and was one of the planners and contributors in the early Montessori adolescent movement in the 1980s. Pat has consulted with public and private Montessori elementary and adolescent programs, presented at conferences, conducted workshops, and has guided teachers many summers at the AMI Montessori Orientation to Adolescent Studies. Pat holds an AMI diploma, a certification in special education, a Master’s degree in curriculum and instruction, and a certification from John Carroll University in Spiritual Direction. Pat has most recently been named an AMI auxiliary 12-18 trainer. She is the mother of 5 grown children and the grandmother of 12.

This event is open to all who RSVP. Childcare is available to Hershey families who RSVP.

Please RSVP to rsvp@hershey-montessori.org or call 440-357-0918.

Download the flyer here.