Hershey Montessori School Hosts Multi-School Peace & Education Summit
Hershey Montessori School hosted the Peace & Education Summit on March 6th and 7th. This two-day professional conference involved Hershey middle school students and more than 70 visiting middle school students for an incredible learning experience.
Students from White Pine Middle School in Michigan, Hudson Montessori School, Lake Ridge Academy, Cleveland Montessori School, and Ratner Montessori School engaged with Hershey students for this exciting event.
The theme of the Summit was Global Health & Health Justice. This powerful student-led and student-centered conference was designed to create collaboration and inquiry into topics related to education and peace. Of special focus was the role of global medicine and how global response to health concerns impacts peace in the world. Students researched specific health problems, gathered evidence to support that there are problems, and investigated obstacles and solutions. They planned and prepared interactive and engaging workshops that they presented to middle school students throughout the conference. These were 40-minute workshops in which students shared the knowledge they gained about health issues, engaged the audience members in the topic, and reflected on how it relates to Peace & Education.
- Mutation Impossible: The (COVID) Experience
- Your Mental Health: Why does it matter?
- Opioids: Understand the Crisis, Know the Risks
- Gene Editing: Superpowers not included…yet
- The Hush about Women’s Health
- The Harmful Environment We Live In
Keynote speakers included Jonathan Sague, DNP – CEO of UH Geauga, Conneaut, and Geneva; Dr. Marlea Miano, MD – Chief Medical Officer, UH Geauga, and Dr. Bob Tupa, DO, who shared his observations made while providing medical mission work in Kenya.
Much gratitude to our staff and students and especially Matt Sorrick, Hershey Upper School Science Guide, for his leadership and coordination of this tremendous event. Questions and interest in future multi-school events can be sent to Matt at msorrick@hershey-montessori.org.