Register for The Mathematical Mind: Math in the Children’s House Event on February 4, 2021

Register for The Mathematical Mind: Math in the Children’s House Event on February 4, 2021

Are you curious about what the older children do in the math area at Hershey and how we engage the mathematical mind of the child under 7 years of age?

Join AMI Guides Karen Hannan-DeWalt and Jayne Koeth and Head of School Paula Leigh-Doyle on Thursday, February 4th, from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Zoom.

You won’t want to miss this 60-minute Parent Inspiration Event if you are curious about Montessori math scope of content, the psychology of the instruction approach, skills, concepts, and outcomes.

ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME, especially parents of children who will turn 5 years of age (before September 30, 2021).

Click Here to Register


Register for Language Exploration in Elementary Event on January 28, 2021

Register for Language Exploration in Elementary Event on January 28, 2021

How are English and the Language Arts taught for the older elementary child?

Join our AMI Upper Elementary Guides, Venus Kohler, and Sarah Tetzloff for this interactive presentation on Thursday, January 28th, from 6:00 – 7:00 pm on Zoom. 

Discover how we approach the content areas of writing, formats and style, grammar, expressive language, vocabulary building, reading comprehension, oral communication, public speaking and presentations. The older elementary child is developing a keen awareness of self. They begin to consider who they wish to emulate, and what their contribution be in the future. Their imagination is an unbridled force of energy that compels them to take on big work and go deeply into studying the world.

Language arts is interwoven into social studies, humanities, history, geography, science and the arts. Students continue to learn based upon interest and also in response to the dramatic key lessons they receive, they start to manage time with planners and journals. They learn self-evaluation of the quality of their work, as well as receiving individualized feedback from the guide.

Common language outcomes for children who complete Montessori elementary: our children are confident to use their voice and competent to express themselves. They are socially effective and compassionate communicators, articulate and expressive, avid readers, and have a great love of expression, whether it is poetry, drama, oratory, or public presentations.

Come join our Zoom to hear how this all comes about!

Click Here to Register


Register for Why Montessori Elementary Program on January 26, 2021

Register for Why Montessori Elementary Program on January 26, 2021

Join our AMI Elementary Guides, Jennifer Finan and Saren Peetz on Tuesday, January 26th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on Zoom.

Why Montessori for the Elementary years? …..because your children between the ages of 6 and 12 have psychological needs and interests for which our education model is designed to scientifically respond.

Elementary children are hungry to understand everything in the universe and how it all interconnects. If your child asks you “why” questions, you know how driven they are to explore, find out and understand. Montessori education is designed to nurture that thirst for knowledge. Their language, mathematical thinking, and world knowledge skills soar.

Elementary children are social beings: they are motivated greatly by the social energy of their friends. That is why we give them purposeful opportunities to be able to work pairs and groups. Science proves they learn so much more from each other in a social context. They want to know the social order of how communities operate and get along so we teach them the social-emotional tools, and intentionally give them more freedom, within limits, to practice and apply their capacities for independence, and thus their self-confidence blooms.

The outcome we see in the child is gratitude for those who have come before, an innate passion for justice, and strong moral development roots.

Click Here to Register

Why Montessori Elementary 2021

Hershey Montessori School Recognized by You Me Montessori

Hershey Montessori School Recognized by You Me Montessori

Hershey Montessori School is being recognized by You Me Montessori in a multi-part series of articles that document our school history and accomplishments. The founders of the organization are from South Africa and the United Kingdom. All currently work in Kuwait in the education field. Their website viewers are from around the world. You can read these articles by clicking on the series title below, or follow our Facebook page to see each article as it is published.

We extend our gratitude to Leon Caesar and his team for their interest in Hershey Montessori School and for their work in sharing Montessori with viewers around the globe.

Hershey Part 1 Giant Footprints in Cosmic Education: The Journey of Hershey Montessori School

Hershey Part 2 – From Humble Origins to International Renown

Hershey Part 3 – Hershey Montessori School’s Concord Campus

Hershey Part 4 – Introducing The Farm School

Hershey Part 5 – The Cosmic Preparation Of The Huntsburg Campus

Hershey Part 6 – Reach For The Stars And Catch A Dream – The Vital Needs Of The Adolescent

Hershey Part 7 – The Value of Work and Economic Independence 

Hershey Part 8 – Curriculum Frameworks I

Stay tuned for more in this series!

You can learn more about Hershey Montessori here on our website


Hershey Montessori Students Hold Multi-School Election Conference

Hershey Montessori Students Hold Multi-School Election Conference

Hershey Montessori’s Upper School students recently held an Election Conference as part of their Humanities project. The conference brought students and experts together, virtually, to discuss issues around elections, specifically, reforming the election process and governance.

The students, led by Hershey guides John Buzzard and Jennifer Snead, connected with several adult experts, including Diane Silver from FairVote, an organization that champions electoral reforms to give voters greater choice, a stronger voice, and a representative democracy that works for all Americans; Cyndi Lucas of Citizen Congress, an app that lets users send their views to federal representatives and vote on bills, nominations, and questions introduced in Congress; Drez Jennings, a writer and expert on politics and media; and a former student of Buzzard, Sara Abdul-Rahim, Associate Director of Development at Georgetown University.

Students from Oak Farm Montessori in Indiana, Montessori School of Winston-Salem in North Carolina, and Beacon Academy in Illinois joined Hershey students and these professionals to discuss several areas of interest. Topics included election reform, ranked-choice voting, immigrant voting, felon disenfranchisement and vote by mail.

The conference was a collaborative effort that brought forth several issues that students were able to give voice to and engage in a critical thinking process that allowed them to express their ideas and concerns over the election process and governance.

Students were afforded the opportunity to give presentations that were followed by a question and answer session. A student action panel made up of students from all the schools also discussed how to take action and get their voices heard – a conversation that was facilitated by expert Cyndi Lucas and by Hershey student Kylie Golden-Appleton.

“We were thrilled with the turnout of students from other schools and the passion that they brought. The student action panel allowed the students to connect around their political ideas, and to find a community of young people eager to take political action. It felt like a way to take one of our responses to the COVID pandemic – working virtually – and make it a strength,” said Buzzard.

Hershey is pleased to provide students with experiential education opportunities that provide real-life skills and insights.

Both the students and experts gained better insight into these important, relevant topics and what our next generation of voters can do to improve them.

Hershey Montessori School Receives ISACS Provisional Member Status

Hershey Montessori School Receives ISACS Provisional Member Status

Hershey Montessori School has good news to celebrate. ISACS, the Independent Schools Association of the Central States, has approved Hershey as a provisional member, which is the first step towards becoming an ISACS-accredited school. Hershey’s Steering Committee, which began its work in early 2019, is pleased to share this information with the Hershey community.

The Benefits of ISACS Membership

(From the ISACS website)

ISACS provides a wide variety of professional development programs for its members. Administrators and teachers are given opportunity to attend ISACS conferences, including the Annual Conference, Heads Conference, Leadership Academy in Partnership with the Kellogg School of Management Center for Nonprofit Management, and New Teacher Institute. ISACS also offers topic-specific workshops and convenient webinars for its members.
In addition to these benefits, ISACS staff members provide facilitated conversations with member schools on topics of governance, accreditation, and other areas. Members have access to the National Association of Independent Schools’ DASL tool for data reporting and benchmarking.

Moving Forward

With Provisional Membership approval, Hershey may now begin the process for full accreditation that involves preparation of the self-study report and accreditation visit. Getting to this stage required submission of our Provisional Membership Application (PMA). The PMA provides ISACS with an assessment of an organization that ensures it currently complies with the standards for full ISACS membership. The PMA required Hershey to provide documented evidence of compliance across 52 standards for membership, including our current policies and practices; mission, philosophy, and goals; school community; programs and activities, student services; governance and administration, personnel; and residential programs. We submitted our PMA in February of this year, which was reviewed and approved by the ISACS board in May.

The impetus to pursue ISACS accreditation came from the growing needs of our school. When Hershey’s Upper School was added five years ago, our community became keenly aware that resources and support provided to independent schools by ISACS would support our plans for continued growth. Our leadership then surveyed teachers, staff, and board members for input on the decision to begin the accreditation process. Together, we concluded that membership in ISACS would be of great benefit to our school and community.

Hershey’s ISACS Steering Committee includes Paula Leigh-Doyle, Laurie Ewert-Krocker, Tania Bertolone, Jennifer Finan, Valerie Raines, and Saren Peetz.

We look forward to the added value this organization will bring to our community.

To learn more about Hershey Montessori, visit our about page here