Staff Spotlight: Jennifer Finan

Staff Spotlight: Jennifer Finan

We have the pleasure of honoring our longest-serving staff member, Jennifer Finan, in this Spotlight. Jennifer has been a part of the Hershey family for more than 30 years! She is our Early Elementary guide but has also had the opportunity to teach in the Upper Elementary for six years. Many years ago, along with teaching in the elementary, Jennifer also worked in Morning Care. She ran our summer camp program for a few summers and even worked at the front desk. For the past 10+ years, she has assisted Cheryl McGovern in the ‘Just Run’ program for students wanting to train to run a 5K.

Jennifer grew up in Stow, Ohio, and currently lives in Concord Township. She and her husband, Chris, will be celebrating their 25th anniversary in 2023. Jennifer fondly remembers her Upper Elementary class attending her wedding in 1998. She has a daughter named Erin, who attended Hershey her entire life. Erin is currently finishing up her senior year at Ohio University (Jennifer’s alma mater) and will be graduating with a major in Journalism and a minor in Linguistics in May. Jennifer’s family also has a very loving and large 17-pound cat named Archie. Jennifer loves when she, Chris, and Erin are together. The three of them have been to many places together hiking, camping, and exploring. Those times when just the 3 of them are together are her happiest moments.

A fun fact about Jennifer is that she is an only child, grandchild, niece, and cousin. She is also someone who loves candy corn in the fall and jellybeans in the spring. Her favorite things to do are hiking and camping, reading, exercising, and traveling to new places.

Enjoy our full interview with Jennifer below:


Hi Jennifer, do you have a nickname?

My closest and dearest friends usually call me Jen.


Can you briefly explain your position?

I would say aside from following my AMI albums, supporting children with their follow-up work, and educational/emotional growth, and giving key lessons throughout the curriculum, I love to tell the children stories and help support them with a task they originally thought impossible to complete. Telling stories sparks the children’s interest in a variety of ways and most of these ways even surprise me. I tell personal stories (probably their favorites), stories about historical figures that came before us, stories of the earth and the animals and plants that live here with us, stories of cultures and civilizations, inventions, etc. The list is endless. I also love to see the pride on a child’s face in their accomplishments or successes, especially when it was something that was thought impossible and/or done independently. Letting a child know that they can do BIG work and accomplish BIG tasks on their own, is one of the greatest gifts we can give them.


We agree! What did you do before coming to Hershey?

I attended Ohio University and graduated with a degree in Hearing & Speech Sciences in 1991. I worked for one year at Hudson Montessori School as an elementary assistant and fell in love with the Montessori method of education. The following year I took my AMI Elementary Montessori training at the Washington Montessori Institute and was then hired by Hershey in the spring of 1993.


Can you tell us what brought you to Hershey?                                

When I was finishing my training, I was looking for a teaching job and was so excited to find out that Hershey was looking for an Early Elementary guide for their new classroom. I knew the school had a good reputation and had heard about it when I worked at Hudson Montessori. I wanted to return to Ohio. It was already April, and they didn’t have enough money left in their ‘new hire’ budget for transportation (such as a flight) but said there was enough for me to rent a car. So, I drove from D.C. to my parents in Stow so that I could interview. I was the last interview they were having for the job. Jeanne Catalano (Early El. guide), who happened to live in Stow, drove me up to Hershey for my interview and always teased that she had hired me on the drive.


We are thrilled that she did! What drew you to Montessori?

I was in the Education College at Ohio University for a year but really did not enjoy it. However, after being a Montessori assistant for a few months, I was fascinated by the Montessori Method and wanted to learn more and begin taking my training. I love the focus on the whole child and I love having the same students for 3 years. You really can take the time to get to know how they learn and form a lasting relationship with each child.


That’s so true. Tell us what you do at Hershey that is unique to you.

Besides currently guiding one of our Early Elementary communities, I organize Professional Observations for Montessori professionals or individuals who are taking their training and looking for opportunities to meet their observation and student teaching requirements (at the Concord Campus). For many years, I was also on call to come to the school when the alarms went off (ask me about the time I walked through two feet of snow to meet the fire department in the middle of a snowstorm at 3:00 am). You can say I have worn many hats over my 30 years at Hershey!


I’m sure that is a story to tell! What would you say is your favorite part of your work at Hershey?

The children. Seeing them grow through the program at Concord and graduate as young adults. The people. The staff, past and present, are an amazing group of individuals that I am grateful to have in my life and to call many of them my friend.


Where is your favorite place to go?

I absolutely love our nation’s National Parks. I grew up camping and visiting our country’s parks, monuments, forests, and historical sites with my parents, and have continued the tradition with my own family. If I wasn’t a teacher my dream job was always to be a National Park ranger. I tell many stories of my adventures to the children and always encourage them to visit these national treasures. My favorite parks are Glacier, Acadia, Bryce, and the Grand Tetons. I have been to 32 and look forward to crossing the final 31 off my list.


Sounds incredible! What is your favorite book?

My absolute favorite activity to do with my students is to read aloud to them. “Read all the stories, do all the voices.” I love to read chapter and picture books alike. My current class and I are in the process of reading all 84 Caldecott Medal winners. Over the years I have read many chapter books to my students but some of the absolute favorites that I reread most often are The Tale of Despereaux, James and the Giant Peach, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and with an upper elementary class Tuck Everlasting.


Do you have a favorite quote?

“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” —Maria Montessori

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” ~ Brene Brown


Those are great quotes. Do you have a favorite movie?

There are too many at this point to choose a favorite.


That’s certainly fair. How would your friends and family describe you?

Determined, resilient, and understanding. The keeper of memories of the school, the ‘Hershey Historian.’ A dear friend and colleague shared the following with me, “Passionate and enthusiastic about teaching, loves being in the environment with students/children and is very nurturing, inspiring to those around, strong leader, committed, warm, supportive, highly devoted to the students and community and easily seen with so much experience, approachable and attentive when you need a listening ear, always gives good advice (gives an honest answer/opinion in a kind way), trustworthy, easy to collaborate with and a “sounding board,” read alouds are always fun and uses voices to read, her life’s work is to make learning a joy.”


That’s why we love you. How would you describe yourself?

Oh, my goodness this is a tough one….after reading the above, you can add humbled. I guess I would say easygoing and supportive. I am also an aspiring librarian (the saying is that I have a book on everything), and a National Park Ranger at heart.


Do you have a favorite Hershey memory?                     

After being a part of this wonderful community for 30 years, this is a very challenging question to answer and could possibly be an article all by itself. 😉

Here are a few that come to mind, although there are so many more that I could share with you.😊

  • Camping overnight in the field behind the Concord Campus with my upper elementary students and 3rd-grade students
  • Taking my upper elementary students to Washington D.C. for a week and having the tour guide at the Capitol compliment them on their amazing patience and mature behavior while waiting for 2 hours before our tour.
  • Also, taking my upper elementary students on a class trip to Mammoth Cave National Park — all 35 of them!
  • Putting on full-length plays for the parents with my upper elementary students.
  • Being blessed with FIVE amazing assistants during my 30 years!
  • Seeing my early elementary students go through the Hershey program and then see them graduate, go onto college and/or careers, get married, and begin families of their own.
  • Hearing the laughter of staff members through the hallways at the end of a school day.
  • Reading aloud with my children and crying at the end of a novel together because it was so good.
  • Being present and taking part in both the initial groundbreaking ceremony for the Adolescent Program at Huntsburg as well as the groundbreaking for the Upper School building.
  • Getting soaking-wet hugs from the 6th-year students after their celebratory 6th-year soak (and hugs from students in general)
  • Laughing with my students/children over a silly joke or a shared moment during the day.


Those are all beautiful. Can you now share with us who has made the biggest impact on your life?

My daughter. Seeing the world through her eyes as she has grown up has opened my eyes to many adventures and learning opportunities to better myself as a human being, parent, and teacher. I would also say all my students/children past and present.  Each and every one of them has taught me valuable lessons that have supported my growth as a Montessori guide.


What is the biggest life lesson you would like to share with others?

Everything comes to you at the right moment. Be patient and present so you don’t miss these moments when they present themselves to you.


That is wonderful advice and worthwhile to remember, Jennifer. We are grateful for you and appreciate being able to recognize you among our Hershey community both near and far. You continue to contribute great and wonderful things to this school and all those around you. You pour so much of yourself into your work with students and it shows. We celebrate you!


Staff Spotlight: Stephanie Swank

Staff Spotlight: Stephanie Swank

We have the pleasure of honoring Stephanie Swank in this Staff Spotlight. Stephanie has been a part of the Hershey family for 25 years! She is our After Care Coordinator, Summer Camp Coordinator, and Children’s House Assistant. Stephanie grew up in Concord and continues to live in Lake County, close to our Concord campus. She lived in Breckenridge, Colorado for a short time and worked as a facility lead in their ski school program, which is when she fell in love with snowboarding.

Stephanie has been married to her Husband, Mike, for 20 years this December, and has three beautiful children: Michael, Ava, and Carter. Mike and Stephanie became “dog parents” two years ago to Mabel and have a 15-year-old Calico cat named Belle. Her happiest moment was becoming a mother and her favorite thing to do is snuggle with her kids and have a movie night.

Enjoy our full interview with Stephanie below:


Hi Stephanie, do you have a nickname?

Almost everyone calls me Stephanie with a few exceptions. My father has always called me Stephie and when I first came to Hershey, YCC guide Ellen Molnar, who was like a second mother, called me Stephie as well. There are still a few staff members that pull out that name and it brings me comfort from childhood and my fondest memories of Ellen.


That’s beautiful. Can you tell us what brought you to Hershey?                                

A friend of a staff member (Karen Dorsey) at the time had shared that the school was hiring for an assistant role in the After School program … and so, it began 😊.


And we love that you are here. What drew you to Montessori?

What draws me to Montessori would be the love of learning.


Tell us what you do at Hershey that is unique to you.

I wear a few different hats at Hershey, and I absolutely love it! I feel so lucky to see the children, especially in After Care, grow and develop throughout all their years at the school.


That must be amazing to watch! What would you say is your favorite part of your work at Hershey?

I would have to say that my favorite part would be observing a child move through the steps of independence. To see the smile of self-accomplishment or a small giggle of excitement when a child learns how to do something for themselves is breathtaking.


Where is your favorite place to go?

My childhood home! Getting together for Sunday dinners at my parents’ house with my siblings and extended family is the best!


We agree! What is your favorite book?

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein


Do you have a favorite quote?

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa


That is a great quote. Do you have a favorite movie?

The Harry Potter series.


A very popular favorite! Do you have a favorite Hershey memory?                     

This is a difficult one to answer, I have such grand memories of so many children, their families, and the staff that have been a part of Hershey for the last 25 years. I feel honored to have a connection to so many beautiful people. One specific memory would be when I was sitting at my son Michael’s graduation from Hershey’s Upper School and remembering the same feelings of emotion when we had his first day in the Parent-Infant program.


That must have been truly emotional. Since we are in this personal space with you, can you share with us who has made the biggest impact on your life?

This would be my husband, Mike. He inspires me with his commitment to overcoming challenges with a positive outlook on life.


Those are great traits to have in a spouse! How would your friends and family describe you and how would you describe yourself?

I believe my friends and family would say that I am a kind and loving person, someone who always tries to find the best in a person or situation. I would describe myself as an open and understanding person who is kindhearted.


What is the biggest life lesson you would like to share with others?

Take the time to enjoy the moment! We all have such busy lives, and I am grateful to have taken the time to stay in the small moments of life that are now beautiful memories.


That is excellent advice and a perfect way to conclude our time together. Thank you for allowing us to recognize you. It is truly a pleasure to get to know you better. On behalf of all the staff and families here at Hershey, we appreciate all that you do and all that you bring to our community. We are grateful to you!


Staff Spotlight: Cristina Echeverria

Staff Spotlight: Cristina Echeverria

This month’s staff spotlight honors Cristina Echeverria. Cristina is the Spanish Guide for Hershey Montessori School’s Middle and Upper School. Prior to joining our Hershey family in August of 2022, Cristina was a Spanish teacher at the Spring Garden Waldorf School, in Northeast Ohio. Cristina is originally from Bogota, Columbia, and enjoys sharing her native culture with her students. Every summer she likes to return to Colombia and stay at the beach as well as visit a small city there called Barichara.

Her favorite things to do include traveling with her daughter and friends, trying different types of food, hiking, dancing, meditating, and learning new things. She is currently residing in Orange. She is a single mom to her 9-year-old daughter who she says is the absolute love of her life!

Enjoy our interview with Cristina below:

Tell us what you do at Hershey that is unique to you.

I love sharing my Colombian culture with the school community. For example, sometimes I cook traditional meals from my country to share with the school and recreate traditional dances from my country.


What is your favorite part of your work at Hershey?

I like teaching Spanish, sharing about my culture and seeing how students progress in the language every day. I also enjoy the community work that we do on Fridays, as it is a fun way to develop new skills and connect with different members of the school.


What brought you to Hershey?                                

I was curious to learn about the teaching methodology of Maria Montessori.


What drew you to Montessori?

The further developing of several skills, including how to work independently and responsibly, critical thinking, and the learning of new skills every day.


Do you have a favorite Hershey memory?                     

After three months of being in school, I had the pleasure of seeing my students from various different nationalities recreate folk dances from my country.


What is a little-known fact about you?

I am ambidextrous — I am left-handed, but I can also use my right hand to cut, and play sports.


What is your favorite book?

Americanah, a novel by Chimamanda, Ngozi Adichle


Do you have a favorite quote?

Never underestimate the ability to try. Trying can turn nothing into something because even the smallest steps have the chance to become Bigger Things” by Roger Lee


Who has made the biggest impact in your life and what does that impact look like?

My mother is my biggest role model. She returned to college, after being married and having three children, to become a lawyer. She finished her degree with honors. She inspires me to be an independent woman and follow my dreams.


How would your friends and family describe you and how would you describe yourself?

They say that I am a persistent, smart, disciplined, organized, sociable, sensitive, kind-hearted, supportive, passionate, brave, authentic, loving, affectionate, cheerful, spontaneous, and generous person.

I really am persistent because I like to reach my goals and fulfill them. I am very optimistic, sensitive, and passionate.


Tell us about your happiest moment.

The birth of my daughter.


What is the biggest life lesson you would like to share with others?

I would say my biggest life lesson was learning how to support myself and start over from scratch when I immigrated to the United States. I left the comfort and security of a good job, family, and friends to come to America. I had to teach myself a new language and adjust to the new culture. It was tough to reinvent myself and create a new life, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.


Thank you for sharing your time and your personal side of life with us, Cristina. It is such a pleasure to get to know more about you. We truly appreciate your infectious energy and bright smile, and all that you bring to your students each and every day. We are grateful for your presence and work in our community!

Finally, Something Dangerous Book Launch with Hershey’s Doug Cornett

Finally, Something Dangerous Book Launch with Hershey’s Doug Cornett

Hershey Upper School ELA Guide, Doug Cornett, has authored the second book in his One and Onlys mystery series. Finally, Something Dangerous: The One and Onlys and the Case of the Robot Crow will be released from Random House Children’s Books November 22 — just in time for the holidays!

Please join Doug in person at the Larchmere Holiday Stroll for his book launch at Loganberry Books in Cleveland on Saturday, November 26, at 1:00 pm.

Let’s congratulate Doug and celebrate this great accomplishment together!

Finally Something Dangerous Doug Cornett

About the Book

The mystery-solving trio, the One and Onlys, from Finally, Something Mysterious is back with another whodunit. Robot crows, a poetry-slash-wrestling Club, and a hamster infestation? This looks like another case to tackle!

As the excitement from the last mystery the One and Onlys solved is starting to dwindle, Shanks, Peephole, and Paul worry that their town is back to being boring old Bellwood. But as plans for a shiny town makeover get underway, they realize that the “old Bellwood” is anything but.

The glee over “New Bellwood” is palpable, and it’s hard not to get swept away by the flashy new milkshake joint and other developments that are quickly making their small town unrecognizable. But the One and Onlys can’t deny that something nefarious seems to be afoot–especially if the robot crow they stumbled upon is any indication.

Strange? Yes. Dangerous? Hopefully! Shanks doesn’t know how these things are connected, but she’s determined to find out—with the help of the One and Onlys.

Hershey Adolescents Masterfully Mural with Grant from Ohio Arts Council

Hershey Adolescents Masterfully Mural with Grant from Ohio Arts Council

Hershey Montessori School extends our gratitude and thanks to the Ohio Arts Council for approving a grant that will allow teaching artist Laurel Herbold to work directly with the 9th-12th grade students in our upper school community for a year-long residency. The yearlong project, titled Mastering Murals: Upper School Adolescent Mural Project at Hershey Montessori School, will provide students throughout our upper school community with the opportunity to learn, grow and mature in their understanding of mural arts. It will also help students develop their creative expression and build skills in areas such as filmmaking, photography, graphic arts, and entrepreneurship.

Laurel will be on campus for an average of 26 hours per week for 32 weeks. The residency will culminate in a permanent, large-scale wall mural with removable sections, videos, images, postcards, and posters that will be presented to the entire school community. For the project, Laurel will guide students through the entire mural creation process including the planning timeline, design, materials, paints and brushes, painting technique, and presentation.

Students working on this project will have the opportunity to share what they are learning with the Concord school community as part of community building and the mastery process, which includes students demonstrating their knowledge and growth through teaching others. Students may join this project throughout the year, and students who help Laurel through the first two quarters will lead a mural workshop for upper elementary (grades 4-6) during the fourth quarter.

This project will be accessible to students and families through both an in-person event and online communications and will be widely accessible from an ADA perspective. The success of the residency will be measured through student engagement, student articulation (the ability to clearly explain what was learned), and valorization (a Montessori term meaning that a student becomes strong and feels worthy, confident in their work, and capable of moving the work and themselves forward to pursue other ideologies) and guide observation.

Hershey is excited to share this opportunity with the adolescents and families in our community, and we are honored to have Laurel join us for the first two quarters of the 2021-2022 school year and the first 2 quarters of the 2022-2023 school year. Once again, we would like to thank the Ohio Arts Council for their generous grant and support for this project.

Hershey would also like to extend a special thanks to Martha Loughridge, a grant writer for Montessori Development Partnerships. Without her help, none of this would be possible. MDP was founded in 1990 by Debra Guren and David Kahn. MDP’s mission is to bring human and financial resources into a coordinated effort that results in greater support for Montessori schools in North America. Their vision is to bring more access to Montessori for more children. You can find more information about MDP by visiting their website, https://www.montessori-mdp.org/.

Join Us for an Introduction to Hershey’s Upper School

Join Us for an Introduction to Hershey’s Upper School

This parent engagement event is one you don’t want to miss. Please join Hershey Montessori School’s Upper School Director John Buzzard, academic program faculty and students, for an informative evening showcasing the truly unique learning environment and student life experiences at our beautiful 97-acre Huntsburg Campus.

If you know of any potential rising Upper School students, please encourage them and their parents to attend. This event is for prospective Upper School parents and students, not current Upper School parents or students.

Please RSVP by clicking here and join us:

Thursday, November 10th
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
11530 Madison Road, Huntsburg, OH 44046