
Learn About Our 7th-12th Grade at Visitors’ Day!

Montessori education doesn’t have to end after the first or even second plane of development. World-renowned Hershey Montessori School has a full birth through 12th grade continuum of rich, Montessori education in beautiful northeast Ohio.

Find out how Montessori aids the growth of adolescents as emerging adults to be productive thinkers, problem-solvers, organizers, communicators, creators, responsible community members, and global citizens.

The entire 97-acre farm and woodland property of this campus is considered “the classroom.” On any given day, middle school and high school students can be seen working in groups all over the property, both indoors and outdoors, immersed in a variety of subjects of study. Immersion in nature is a striking element of the adolescent’s experience on the farm.

Inquire here to learn more and/or to register for our Visitors’ Day on Friday, September 1st from 9-11 a.m.