
Hershey Launches Emerging Leaders Program

Hershey Montessori School is always reaching for new ways to advance the learning and interests of its adolescent community. Students in a Montessori education are encouraged to follow their interests, engage in deep intellectual inquiry, and expand self-assessment toward self- perfection within or beyond the national academic standards.

In an effort to continue guiding our students toward their goals and passions, Hershey is excited to announce the successful launch of our new Emerging Leaders Program. The Emerging Leaders program promotes dialogue and interactions with professionals, community and social leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs for the purpose of equipping students with the tools to become effective, impactful leaders of the future.

Middle School Director Tania Bertolone, who was instrumental in building the program said, “As Montessori students, these adolescents are primed for this kind of work. They already know how to follow their passions and independently engage in their work. The Emerging Leaders program allows them to expand on that knowledge and know-how and apply it to projects outside their regular academic classes and lessons. As an educator, the response and outcomes we are already seeing from our students is exciting – it’s truly rewarding.”

The Microeconomy, a long-standing essential commerce component of Hershey’s Adolescent Program, teaches students about production and exchange. Emerging Leaders takes those learned skills and experiences and brings them to the next level. The Emerging Leaders course allows students to explore an innovative mindset and gives them the opportunity, time, and space to explore their creativity. Students are encouraged to think as entrepreneurs and innovators. This allows them to generate ideas for creative problem-solving and business endeavors that will promote well-being and economic prosperity in our local communities and on our school’s campus.

The Emerging Leaders Program serves as a Business credit for Upper School students.

If you would like more information on Hershey’s Emerging Leaders program, please contact Tania Bertolone at tbertolone@hershey-montessori.org.