Voice of Hershey Blog
Thoughts, Insights, and Experiences from the Hearts of Hershey
From Hershey Alumna to Hershey Guide – Spotlight on Saren Peetz
This month’s Spotlight is unique. We had the honor to interview Saren Peetz. Saren is a Hershey Montessori School alumna-turned-staff member. She is a Hershey Montessori Early Elementary Guide and Co-Chair of Hershey’s ISACS (Independent Schools Association of the Central States) Steering Committee. Saren attended Hudson Montessori School since she was three years of age and came to Hershey to study as a 9th grade student (Hershey did not yet have a high school in those years). She volunteered multiple times a week on the farm through high school and during her summers in college. Then, she came back two years ago as a guide. “I just couldn’t stay away!” says Saren.
Saren grew up in Hudson, Ohio, and she is currently waiting to close on her first house in Novelty. Before returning to Hershey as a guide, Saren moved to Bar Harbor, Maine, to attend College of the Atlantic for four years. After that, she moved to Maryland to attend Montessori training outside of Baltimore. Her first teaching position involved the starting of the first elementary classroom at a tiny rural Montessori school in Virginia, about an hour outside of Washington, D.C.
Saren loves watching the children she works with grow into their potential. When they first arrive in the elementary, it is as if she can look over their heads and see who they can become. To watch as little flickers of that future person become a more constant light is what she loves the most. She and her partner, Ian, have two bunnies, a blind kitty, a California king snake, and about 360,000 honeybees in six colonies! She also frequently visits her childhood horse and dog at her family’s home nearby.
Enjoy our full interview with Saren below:
What brought you to Hershey?
The community. The feeling that you not only know everyone in the school but care deeply for them. Also, the commitment to authentic Montessori pedagogy and continuous learning on behalf of the adults. There is no other place like it!
What drew you to Montessori?
I have been “in Montessori” for most of my life, but I think what keeps me so excited about it is the potential it has to be both life changing and world changing. Dr. Montessori lived in a time of much turmoil and saw the child, and the education of the child, as the solution. If the child can be both knowledgeable and at peace with themselves, then they have the power to change the world around them in those ways as well. We are once again living in a time of so many challenges, and this education affirms and supports children’s power to make a difference, now and in the future.
Favorite Hershey memory?
Another tough one! My favorite memory from a long time ago would be early mornings in the Farmhouse as an adolescent, talking with friends, reading the newspaper, and listening to guitar music before morning meeting. More recently, my favorite memory would be reading my children poetry and realizing how deep they are already able to think at eight years old.
Describe the work you do and how it is performed in your classroom:
Aside from giving key lessons, my two favorite ways of engaging with the children in my community are to do handwork with them and tell stories, particularly about history or biology. This year, a family donated a fleece of raw sheep’s wool and the children and I have been working on skirting, washing, carding, and spinning it in preparation for using it in their crochet, knitting, and weaving work. I have LOVED moving through this process with them! I also try to tell at least three stories to the class each week, and their most recent favorites have been about modern-day Native American heroes, the life cycle of honeybees, and how illuminated books were made during the Middle Ages. It always makes my day when a story really sparks their imaginations and motivates them to do some great follow up work.
What did you take away from Hershey as a student? How has that experience shaped what you are doing now as a Hershey guide?
I was an “official” Hershey student for just one year, when I was in 9th grade. However, I have to say that one year perhaps made more of an impact on my life than any other in my education. At the Huntsburg campus, I felt what it meant to have a community, a home base, while also learning so much about the world beyond the farm as many of my friends were from different backgrounds and cultures. The experience inspired me to be curious about the world – to want to travel, live away from Ohio for a time, and get to know different ways of life. I did a lot of that in college as I went to school in Maine, travelled around Europe, and later lived in an Appalachian community outside of Washington, D.C. I feel all these experiences are now what feed my lessons with the children. I always think, what interesting personal story can I bring to this concept? And looking back, I feel that is much of what my guides at the Middle School did for me – engaged me on a personal level and challenged me to apply my knowledge whenever possible.
Where is your favorite place to go?
The Maine coast, the mountains of North Carolina, or British Columbia, Canada.
Can you tell us your favorite thing to do?
Get kisses from my horse.
What is a little known fact about you?
If I wasn’t a guide, I would have been an architect!
Who has made the biggest impact in your life and what does that impact look like?
Definitely my middle school guide, Pat Ludick. She taught me how to push myself and that I was capable of more than I thought. I use so many of her strategies in my own classroom.
Favorite book?
It’s impossible to choose a favorite!
Favorite quote?
“…what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver
Favorite movie?
How would your friends and family describe you?
Workaholic for sure! Mothering and sensitive with a good sense of humor.
How would you describe yourself?
Probably same as my friends!
Happiest moment?
Graduating from college, and then again graduating from Montessori training.
Biggest life lesson you would like to share with others?
All hard things get easier.
Thank you, Saren. The Hershey community is grateful for you and your service to our school and students. Your positive energy and wisdom bring joy to our campus!

Nature Notes for Parents and Children
By Cheryl McGovern, Outdoor Education Coordinator
Fall is in the Air
While our weather turns from warm to cold to warm again, the natural world is aware of winter’s approach. As the daylight lessens, plants and animals prepare for the changing seasons.
Wildlife have been plentiful on campus. All have watched the milkweed, first full of hungry monarch caterpillars, now devoid of these munchers, the air has been full of adult monarchs beginning their migration journey. Now the milkweed seeds on their fluffy strands float around ensuring the growth of new milkweed as the cycle continues.
The troupe of wild turkey who roam our play area and woods, still have a few young ones mixed in. A hen turkey must have produced a second, later nest of eggs which can happen if the first attempt is unsuccessful. Seeing the poults size change from the end of August until now shows just how quickly they grow.
White-tail deer fawn have also changed before our eyes as their camouflage of white spots have slowly faded into their growing bodies. Students are noticing insects as they are at their most mature size. Praying mantids have been seen on the building and plants as they females search for a good spot to create their egg case, called an “ootheca.”
An abundance of black walnut will help many animals in their preparations. Trees, most notable in nut trees, go through “mast years” where they produce a greater amount of fruit than in other years. It’s a natural phenomenon that is not completely understood since it often includes trees of a particular species in a large region all producing greatly at the same time. And, of course, we all await the show of fall colors produced as leaves shut down their food production factory for a winter’s rest. With chlorophyll no longer needed for photosynthesis, the other pigments can be displayed.
Take time in your own yard, neighborhood, or nearby park to take in all the sights and sounds of the season.
International Observe the Moon Night 2021 is coming up. On Saturday, October 16th, your family can join citizens and scientists around the world in observing the moon. It’s an opportunity to unite people from all over our planet in observing our nearest neighbor in space. There are virtual events, live streams, and live events too. However, observing from your own yard is perfect too. If the sky is clear the viewing should be good with many lunar maria, or “seas” of solidified basaltic lava, visible to the unaided eye. The moon has a slight apparent wobble in its orbit, and on the night of observation a small amount that we normally cannot see will be visible, just a peek at the edge of the far side of the moon!
To discover more about the moon, including printable maps, activities, and highlights, visit https://moon.nasa.gov/observe-the-moon-night/

Staff Spotlight: John Buzzard
This month’s Staff Spotlight features Hershey’s Upper School Humanities Guide, John Buzzard. John grew up in Alabama and has lived in many places, but finally called Ohio home about 7 years ago. He is currently moving from Kamm’s Corner on the west side of Cleveland to Lyndhurst. He is in his fourth year at Hershey Montessori School where he loves having the opportunity to work on skills he wouldn’t be able to do anywhere else, like making maple syrup or carving wooden toy cars. His favorite part of working at Hershey is having the opportunity to work with thoughtful and courteous students every day. John is married and loves spending time with his wife and three children: Vivian, 12; Caroline, 11; Gideon, 5, and their dog, Mabel.
Below is our full interview with John:
What did you do before coming to Hershey?
I have worked at a number of small schools, almost always with a project-based, student-centered structure. I have been a Curriculum Director, a Division Head, and a Head of School, but teaching is and will always be the best job.
What brought you to Hershey?
An admiration for the program here, including Upper School Montessori education, which is a newly developing model. I love being a part of things that are new and growing, and despite being new to Montessori, I have grown in understanding and admiration for this pedagogy.
What drew you to Montessori?
The focus on students and letting them lead the way.
Can you tell us what it is like in your classroom or the topics you cover?
In my 9th and 10th year Humanities class, I present themes related to current issues such as elections, immigration, economics, and others. Currently, we are studying the role of the police in our society. Like with any issue we cover, we look at it historically, legally, and in comparison to other countries. Students then do independent research on their own topic related to that theme and ultimately present their learning and arguments in some fashion – a presentation, an event, a paper, etc. In the 11th and 12th year, students are given additional freedom to determine the topics we cover and the kind of presentations they do. This allows the students to stay engaged and they gain a global view to help form their perspective.
What is unique to you as far as your approach to teaching or interacting with your students?
I believe that part of my job as a guide is to make great, genuine experiences possible – above and beyond the usual. So, let’s meet someone really important or especially interesting. Let’s go on a trip to someplace where events actually happened. Let’s create a new experience for ourselves and for others. To me, things like this are memorable and that means what we learn will stay with us far longer.
What is you favorite Hershey memory?
I have always loved the pancake breakfast. Seeing the entire Huntsburg community come together to work this event, and with barely any ‘training’ or experience, suddenly we are running a restaurant like we had been doing it for years. It is so fascinating and it gives me such admiration for our students and staff.
Where is your favorite place to go?
Camping, wherever that may be.
What is your favorite thing to do?
I love cooking, I love music, and I love games so … singing while eating dinner around a game?
What is a little-known fact about you?
I briefly ran a cooking business where we hosted events in people’s homes.
Who has made the biggest impact in your life and what does that impact look like?
It is hard to pick just one person, but I would say my first boss, John Potter. He hired me (with very little reason to do so) and gave me the space and support and responsibility to improve quickly.
What is your favorite book?
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin
What is your favorite quote?
Moderation in all things, including moderation.
Tell us your favorite movie.
How would your friends and family describe you?
Probably as freakishly sane and boring.
How would you describe yourself?
A learner.
Can you share with us your happiest moment?
Every moment I get to be a dad – I know, cop out, but I’ll stick with it!
What is the biggest life lesson you would like to share with others?
Relationships matter more than policy, knowledge, or expectations. Learning and teaching are about relationships, not information.
Is there anything else you would like to share or let others know?
As a guide, I see my role as being one that supports students in creating great learning experiences for themselves.
We cannot thank John enough for his contributions to our Huntsburg campus. He is an inspiration to his fellow staff and students, and it is an honor to have him as a member of our Hershey family.

Alumni Spotlight: Elise Spintzyk
Featuring Elise Spintzyk
In this Alumni Spotlight, we celebrate 2018 Hershey Montessori School graduate, Elise Spintzyk. Elise now lives in Columbus, OH with two roommates and is attending The Ohio State University where she is studying to receive her B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience. She currently works at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in an inpatient pediatric psychiatry unit. Elise grew up in Concord Township, OH, home to Hershey Montessori School’s birth through 6th grade campus.
Elise’s mother’s studies of early childhood education introduced her to Montessori education and prompted a visit to Hershey’s Concord campus. She was very happy with the way her daughter reacted to and embraced the learning environment around her. Elise loved her experience with her early childhood education and continued to attend Hershey Montessori School all the way through her middle and upper school years. In total, Elise spent 14 years as a student with Hershey until her graduation in the spring of 2018.
Below is our full interview with Elise:
What did you like most about your Montessori education?
During Middle School, it was the connections between academic studies and the farm. In the Upper School, it was the academics and how they relate to real world problems. It was not just textbook studies. Montessori education really helped me adapt to my college education. During my Children’s House and Elementary education, I really enjoyed the hands-on learning concept. I felt engaged with my work, and I had the opportunity to choose the skills I really wanted to develop. Being able to choose my own path made me motivated to come to school and continue learning.
What is your favorite Hershey memory?
We took a class trip to Boston during my junior year. I was able to be the planner of the trip and really enjoyed being able to take on the responsibility of planning a large trip for everyone.
What is one thing about Hershey you would like others to know?
The evaporative pond: I loved the stunning views of campus and have fond memories of this area in particular.
Favorite place to go on campus?
Some of my favorite places at Hershey are the bioshelter and the garden. I loved the experience of working in them, alongside my guides and classmates. I also liked working for the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) project.
Who has made the biggest impact in your life and what does that impact look like?
Laurie Ewert-Krocker because there wouldn’t have been an Upper School without her. Laurie created a well-rounded and expertly designed Upper School. Her impact extends well into my daily life and the lives of other students.
Favorite book?
The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Favorite movie?
How would your friends and family describe you?
Kind, creative, caring, and passionate!
How would you describe yourself?
I am dedicated in academics, loyal, and kind!
Is there anything else you’d like to share or let others know?
Focus on the opportunities that Hershey provides you, not the opportunities that other schools offer their students.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and inspirations with us, Elise. It was a pleasure catching up with you, and Hershey Montessori School is so proud of you! Good luck during your senior year at The Ohio State University!

Head of Hershey Shares Insights on Developing Leaders and Global Education in a Pandemic
Hershey Head of School, Paula Leigh-Doyle, was recently interviewed by Crain’s Cleveland Business. Leigh-Doyle shared perspectives that were incorporated in two news stories now published by Crain’s in its Crain’s 2021 Private School Planner. These articles include insights on developing future leaders and maintaining focus on global education during the pandemic.
In the article about developing tomorrow’s leaders, Leigh-Doyle was given a chance to share how a Montessori education helps students learn how to find leadership within themselves. “We’re student-led learning with adult guides,” says the Head of School. “Students are trained to be independent thinkers and interdependent collaborators.” You can read the rest of Crain’s article, Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders, here.
In another article, Thinking Outside the Screen: Schools maintain focus on global education, experiential learning during a pandemic, Leigh-Doyle had the opportunity to speak about the importance of Hershey Montessori School’s international alumni during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. School enrollment dropped from 280 to about 250 students as boarders were unable to come to the school due to the COVID pandemic travel restrictions and health recommendations. “We’ve always had a framework for looking at education globally,” Leigh-Doyle says in the article. “And our international borders and alumni were really effective for us to connect globally when we couldn’t fly to those places.” Read the full article, Thinking Outside the Screen: Schools maintain focus on global education, experiential learning during a pandemic here.
Additionally, Hershey’s beautiful 13-acre Concord campus and 97-acre Huntsburg campus were featured in Crain’s Private School Planner. Importantly mentioned is the unique “microeconomy” at the Huntsburg campus, where academic concepts are integrated with economics and entrepreneurism, as students enhance their personal growth, along with their business, communication, and managerial skills. You can see this feature of Hershey Montessori School in Crain’s 2021 Private School Planner here.
Crain’s Cleveland Business journal is owned and operated by Crain Communications Inc. Crain is one of the most well recognized communications companies in the world, reaching over 78 million readers globally. Crain’s has 10 global locations with over 600 employees who manage Crain’s 20 industry-leading communication brands. It is an honor and pleasure to be able to share the lens of our Head of School and to share the examples of our Montessori institution with Crain’s Cleveland Business.
To schedule an interview or collaborative meeting with Paula Leigh-Doyle, contact Hershey Communications Director, Deanna Shrum, at dshrum@hershey-montessori.org.

Montessori Summer Work at Home Ideas for Children
Another amazing and memorable school year ends. Through much change and uncertainty, we witnessed great adaptation and resilience in our students. Oh how we celebrate their successes and look forward to their return in the fall.
Many of you have asked how you can help encourage your child’s continued growth and independence while at home this summer.
Below is a hearty list of activity ideas for you to work from.
Fine motor
- Manipulating tongs, clothespins, clips, spoons, scoops, containers
- Stringing beads, putting beads on a wooden skewer or pipe cleaner
- Sorting shells, rocks, dried beans, silverware
- Modeling with playdough or clay (lots of different textured “clay” recipes online)
- Tearing strips, tearing paper shapes and gluing
- Cutting with scissors (plain paper strips, short lines, long lines, curved lines, zigzag lines, shapes, spirals)
- Lacing boards, peg boards
- Poking along lines with a push pin
- Placing stickers
- Sewing along a line (offer more complex sewing as skills develop)
- Drawing with crayons, chalk, markers, pencils
- Manipulating fastenings on clothing (snaps, buttons, buckles, zippers, safety pins, tying bows)
- Assembling puzzles, Legos, other building toys
- Peeling & cutting vegetables & fruits, tearing lettuce, cracking eggs, stirring ingredients, grating cheese
Large motor
- Balancing—walking on a line, walking across logs, walking on uneven surfaces, standing on stumps/boulders, etc.
- Jumping—hopscotch, jump rope, jump over puddles, hop on 1 leg, etc.
- Crawling—slither, army crawl, bear crawl, crab crawl, etc.
- Climbing—hills, trees, rocks
- Maneuvering over/under/around obstacles
- Kicking, throwing, catching balls
- Riding tricycles/bicycles/scooters
- Dancing, somersaults, yoga poses
- Playing Twister
- Carrying, pushing, pulling heavy items (wood, rocks, pails of dirt/sand, wagon, wheelbarrow, etc.)
- Raking, shoveling, digging, hoeing
Practical life
- Dusting—baseboards, furniture, leaves of houseplants, knick knacks, books/bookshelves, window sills (possible tools—small cloth, cotton ball, Q-tip, new household paintbrush, pastry brush)
- Swiffering, mopping with child-sized tools
- Sweeping floor, garage, deck, sidewalk
- Vacuuming couch cushions, vacuuming car seats and floor, lint brushing upholstery
- Watering indoor and outdoor plants
- Feeding, watering, brushing pets
- Sorting, folding, putting away laundry
- Sponging and drying dining table, chairs, shower doors, sliding glass doors, kitchen cabinets
- Scrubbing fruits/vegetables, outdoor furniture, toys, car mats, sinks, bathtub
- Washing dishes (1 basin with soapy water & 1 basin with clean water)
- Washing toys, bike
- Washing face with a washcloth
- Hanging up clothing
- Making the bed, removing the sheets & pillow cases for the laundry
- Setting the table for meals
- Pouring water into glasses for meals
- Planting and misting seeds
- Picking up sticks in the yard
- Trimming grass with clippers
- Smell and taste different spices and herbs—grate cinnamon sticks, grind spices with a mortar & pestle, chop herbs
- Taste food with eyes closed and guess its identity
- Feel different textures around the house and outside (carpet, tile, furniture, sidewalk, bark, glass, clothing, blankets, towels, pets, etc.)
- Make a “mystery bag” of common items & try to identify the items by feeling them without looking
- Organize items from lightest to heaviest, smallest to largest, shortest to longest, smoothest to roughest, darkest to lightest, softest to hardest, etc.
- Make sound jars/bottles that contain different items (sand, rice, beans, cornmeal, sugar, etc.)
- Identify sounds in nature, identify sounds in the home
- Listen for certain instruments in a piece of music
- Play a note on an instrument and try to match your voice to the tone
- Strum stretched rubber bands of different lengths and listen to the tones change
- Sing a song starting on a low note and then sing it starting on a high note
- Show child a tray with a few items, remove one item, then have child guess what was removed
- Make shapes with stencils, sticks, clay, etc. and name them
- Find different shapes around the house and outside
- Read books/poems together
- Sing songs
- Name opposites (empty/full, light/dark, etc.)
- Name different type of something (spoons—teaspoon, tablespoon, wooden spoon, serving spoon, measuring spoon; cloths—washcloth, dish cloth, tablecloth, microfiber cloth; clips—paper clip, binder clip, hair clip, chip clip)
- Identify tools in your toolbox, kitchen utensils, plants in your home/yard, birds, insects, ingredients in a recipe, parts of the vacuum cleaner (hose, wand, crevice tool, switch, etc.), types of pasta, types of clouds in the sky, etc.
- Talk about events, destinations, family members, family history, celebrations, feelings, hobbies, plans for the day, etc.
- Play memory games with cards
- Learn new songs
- Memorize nursery rhymes and poems
- Give child 1 command at a time (clap), 2 commands at a time (stomp & wiggle), 3 commands…..
- Send child to retrieve items: 1 item at a time, 2 items at a time…., “bring 2 spoons and 5 forks”, etc.
- Read 1 page of a book and then ask questions about what was just read (listening comprehension)
- Have child recall the sequence of a common routine (morning routine, a recipe, taking a bath, etc.)
- Draw with chalk, crayons, markers, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk, magna doodle
- Paint with thick and thin paintbrushes, paint with water on the driveway
- Trace simple shapes than an adult draws (circle, square, triangle, zigzag line, X, etc.)
- Re-create simple shapes that are drawn by someone else
- Draw and color in shapes
- Trace cursive letters that an adult writes
- Write letters in dirt/sand/cornmeal on a tray, write letters with fingerpaint
- Write letters with chalk and later with pencil
- Write short words in cursive
- Write lists of things (grocery list, favorite toys, animals, words that start with a particular sound, etc.)
- Write messages (notes to family members, what book they’d like you to read, what game they’d like to play, etc.)
- Write stories
Phonemic awareness (hearing sounds in words)
- Clap rhythms together
- Identify sounds in nature
- Listen for instruments in a piece of music
- Clap syllables in words
- Read rhyming poems or nursery rhymes
- Say words that rhyme and then ask for words that rhyme
- Think of words that start with a particular sound
- Find items that start with a particular sound (spoon, scissors, sponge, etc.)
- Listen for and identify all the sounds in a short word (bag=b-a-g)
- Recite tongue twisters, create tongue twisters
- Write labels for phonetic objects around the house and have child read and label them (cup, hat, sink, rug, bed, etc.)
- Write phonetic commands for child to perform (jump on a log, drink milk, kiss mom and dad, sit still, flip a mat, sing a song, etc)
- Introduce 1 phonogram at a time (sh, oo, ay, er, qu, ow, etc.) and write words with that phonogram for the child to read
- Read simple books/poems
- Take turns reading sentences
- Ask questions about what they read (reading comprehension–this skill develops as reading improves)
- Match, classify, order/sequence, talk about time (how long does it take?), talk about temperature
- Count together (how many shoes do you have? Let’s count all the spoons)
- Have child make quantities with stones, beads, blocks, cars, etc.
- Write and identify numbers for child (only introduce 3 numbers at a time)
- Write and have child identify numbers
- Play board games with dice, play card games
- Play games with “more/less,” “longer/shorter,” “larger/smaller,” “thicker/thinner”
- Put quantities together to introduce addition
- Take quantities away to introduce subtraction
- Count by 2s, 3s, 4s…
- Explore items that are magnetic vs. not magnetic
- Explore items that sink vs. float
- Explore what materials are soluble vs. non-soluble (sugar, dirt, rocks, etc.)
- Record the dates on a calendar that different plants sprout or flower in your yard
- Place the base of a bunch of celery, lettuce, onion in a shallow bowl of water & watch it grow each day
- Mix up materials in a jar of water & watch layers form as they settle (dirt, sand, pebbles, grass, mulch)
- Mix colored water to create new colors
- Place dirty pennies in vinegar with a sprinkle of salt to make them look like new
- Put fruit and vegetable scraps in a ziplock bag and watch it decompose
- Place a cut stem from a tree in water and watch it leaf out and form roots
- Watch the orientation and length of shadows change throughout the day
- Lift rocks and logs to see what lives underneath
- See how many different insects you can find in your yard
- Record the weather each day
- Lay on a blanket and watch the clouds
- Lay on a blanket and observe the stars at night
- Dig up real clay and make shapes
- Make dandelion crowns
- Make sand castles
- Paint with water on the driveway
- Draw with sidewalk chalk
- Hammer flowers and leaves between 2 pieces of paper
- Create designs by laying out leaves, flowers, and/or stones
- Paint pine cones

Staff Spotlight: Johan van der Wee
Our Staff Spotlight series is intended to bring recognition to Hershey’s amazing guides and administrators while connecting us with them in a personal way.
This month, we honor
Johan van der Wee
Johan van der Wee is a Children’s House guide at our Concord campus where he has been for six years. Johan and his wife, Katie Bodnovich, are the proud parents of their beloved dog, Betsy, who came from Rescue Village.
Johan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture from the International Agricultural College in the Netherlands, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Dayton. Wanting to further explore a career in education, he enrolled in the Ohio Montessori Training Institute and earned his AMI Primary diploma.
Here is our interview with Johan:
Where are you from and where do you now live?
I was born in Rotterdam in the Netherlands and am now living in Mayfield Village.
What did you do before coming to Hershey?
I did outdoor gardening programs and nature hikes with children and families for Five Rivers MetroParks in Dayton, OH and for the Cleveland Botanical Garden.
What brought you to Hershey?
I was an assistant in one of the lower elementary classrooms in 2001. I loved the Hershey community and was very excited when there was a position for a Children’s House guide many years later.
What drew you to Montessori?
Children learn to make independent choices and are able to excel in areas of strength while working on skills that need more practice. The multiple age group creates an atmosphere for development of leadership and cooperation.
What is your favorite part of your work at Hershey?
Helping children to connect with activities they enjoy doing. It is always a joy to see a child beginning to write their own thoughts.
What do you do at Hershey that is unique to you?
My education in, and love of, the outdoors combined with my experience working on farms and in outdoor education brings great passion and knowledge to my students. We spend our recess time exploring in the woods rather than on the playground. We see animals and creatures from deer and hawks to toads and salamanders. The connection I’m able to facilitate between my students and nature brings a calm and greater connection in the classroom.
What is your favorite Hershey memory?
Cheering on our parents and children at the “beginning of summer” parade at the end of last school [pandemic] year.
Where is your favorite place to go?
North Chagrin Metro Park and River.
What is your favorite thing to do?
I like running, fishing, biking, gardening, and oil painting.
What is a little-known fact about you?
During my 15 months as a Conscientious Objector from the Dutch army, I worked for an environmental education organization writing brochures and making educational materials for farmers.
Who has made the biggest impact in your life and what does that impact look like?
Spirited children have taught me the most as they encourage me to learn more about myself and how I’m doing things. They cause me to draw deeper from my Montessori training to build and apply myself and to reach the highest challenges. I’m a better guide to all the children because they inspire me to continually grow and be better equipped to handle all learning styles.
What is your favorite book?
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse and Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer and Christian Johnson.
What is your favorite quote?
“And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” Max Ehrmann.
What is your favorite movie?
How would your friends and family describe you?
My friends and family will describe me as a kind, patient, and tenacious person who likes to bring happiness and joy to others.
How would you describe yourself?
Always looking for ways to improve a situation.
What is your happiest moment?
Hiking in the Pyrenees by myself.
What is your biggest life lesson you would like to share with others?
Be flexible. Have an open mind in everything you’re doing. Montessori is very prescribed and you follow the method, but I still keep my eyes open to other views out there that may contribute even greater benefit when combined with the Montessori approach.
Is there anything else you would like to share with others?
My years spent in outdoor education and visiting other schools is what led me to Montessori. When I visited Holy Rosary — now Cleveland Montessori — I was invited to do lessons about gardening and nature. Children were happy and self-directed. I knew that if I ever wanted to teach in a classroom setting, this is the kind in which I would want to teach. After 9/11, I evaluated my life and decided it was time to choose a new career path. I realized how important it is to have a world open to peace and that children are our future. Montessori is an education for peace. Life is short, but it is the longest thing that I will know. I want to make a difference while I can. It’s my contribution to the world. The events of 9/11 gave me courage to do something different, to create something different. I reprioritized what was important to me. I gave my two-week notice right after 9/11, and Debbie Guren connected me to Hershey. Sometimes life brings unexpected turns that lead to the most fulfilling, beautiful places.
You’re an inspiration to us all, Johan. Thank you for taking time to share with us. We appreciate you and value all that you bring to our community!

Alumni Spotlight: Ryan Harrington
Featuring Ryan Harrington
This month’s Alumni Spotlight features Ryan Harrington. Ryan has lived in many states across the U.S. during his life, including California, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan. He currently lives in Urbana, Illinois and is attending college at the University of IL at Urbana Champaign where he is pursuing his Master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering. While working on his studies, Ryan is also a Graduate Research Assistant at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Before moving to Illinois, Ryan completed his undergraduate degree in civil engineering at California Polytechnic State University.
Ryan came to Hershey Montessori School in 2001. He said his parents enrolled him at Hershey when the local kindergarten program wanted to hold him back until he had the proper communication and motor skills.
“My parents thought it was unacceptable that the school would hold their autistic child back for these deficiencies when their child could draw roadmaps for every freeway in the greater Cleveland area,” said Ryan. “My parents brought me to Hershey Montessori School because the program allowed students to learn topics by proficiency and rarely by age.”
Ryan stayed at Hershey for ten years, from 2001 through 2011, when his family moved to Chicago.
Below is our interview with Ryan.
How would your friends describe you and how does that compare with how you would describe yourself?
My friends would describe me as someone who could introduce you to any academic topic. I would describe myself as a down-to-earth realist.
What are your favorite places to go and favorite activities to do?
My favorite place to go is Bay View, MI, where I love to sail! I also enjoy hiking. The last mountain I was able to hike was San Gorgonio, which has an elevation of 11,503 feet! I also enjoy solving Rubik’s Cubes.
What has been your happiest moment to date?
My happiest moment was being re-elected as the president of my high school Science Olympiad team. It was a big deal not just because we achieved our highest placement at the state competition that year, but also because I had never known an autistic person who held a significant leadership position.
What is your favorite book and favorite movie?
My favorite book is the Grapes of Wrath and my favorite movie is The Godfather.
What is your favorite memory from Hershey?
While I was taking a water quality class at the [Huntsburg Campus] farm, I asked my teacher about whether the treatment pond was filling up with debris over time. In response, she gave me access to a canoe, several feet of string, and a submersible weight to graph the profile of the pond. After comparing the data to that collected ten years ago, we found that the pond hardly changed. The “just go for it” attitude that I gained from that project is something I still carry with me.
What did you like most about Hershey?
I most enjoyed the lesson structure that Hershey Montessori School employed. Hershey helped me to learn by helping me to remember things. I learned by preparing and presenting my work to the whole class.
Who made the biggest impact on you and what was the impact that was made?
The person who made the biggest impact on my life was the principal [program director] at Hershey during my time there. She helped me to keep the fact that I was moving away confidential because I worried that students would treat me differently. Not only was she willing to convince the staff to keep that secret for an entire school year, but she was also willing to help me navigate a successful path onto my next school. The success of that agreement has allowed me to be a secret keeper for topics my friends and family do not want to discuss openly amongst others.
Tell us your favorite quote and your most important life lesson you’d like to share with others.
My favorite quotes is “The best and worst thing you can say to a student is ‘you can do better,'” and my most important life lesson to share is that everyone should live in a different location at least once in their lifetime.
And that is a life lesson that has definitely served you well, Ryan.
It has been great reconnecting with you. We are glad you are doing well. On behalf of your Hershey family, we wish you great, continued success in life and as you complete your Master’s program!

Changing Minds in These Changing Times
By Kylie Golden-Appleton, Sophomore, Hershey Montessori School
This past year has been one of much change, both internally and externally, for me, and throughout the world. A growing consciousness of power systems and how they are perpetuated is emerging.
As I entered the Hershey community this year and met new friends, I found a shared interest and calling in exploring these current and historic issues, specifically regarding racism, as a community. Two of these friends, Lucy McNees and Cecilia Carney, and I were particularly inspired by Colorado College’s antiracism initiative. Borrowing from that model, the three of us have worked as co-conspirators with the guidance of Jacqui Miller, Director of Montessori Programming and Operations for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District and friend to Hershey, to offer a space for learning and unlearning the truth about racism and equity.
Our Antiracism Initiative offers weekly seminars, programs for significant events and historical dates, and various resources for sharing. This work prompts all of us for personal reflection.
We set up lunch-time seminars, which have created a space for anyone who chooses, students and staff alike, to hold deeper conversations.
Earlier this year, we planned many opportunities for community engagement in honor of Black History Month. The topics of focus were:
- Why We Have Black History Month
- Black History in the U.S.
- African Folklore and Culture
- History of Medical Racism
Students and guides have gotten involved in various ways, such as doing individual research of specific events and topics, exploring folklore, discussing medical charts, reflecting on the significance of history and how we can carry this energy forward throughout every month.
In March, to honor Women’s History and acknowledge the intersectionality of race and gender, we continued independent research and discussions.
As a book workshop, we are beginning Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist and will meet weekly to process as a group.
I have learned that there is no right way to do this work or right path to take, and it has been beautiful to watch how each individual community member approaches this complex question of how to truly embody Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in a meaningful, practical way.
There is much work to do to make this intention — antiracism — a reality, and I hope the momentum from this past month can fuel our growth.

Staff Spotlight: Valerie Raines
We created a Staff Spotlight series to bring recognition of the many amazing guides and administrators while connecting with them in a personal way.
This month, we honor
Valerie Raines
Valerie Raines has been with Hershey Montessori School since 2015. She serves as our College Counselor to Upper School students and families. She works with students from grades ten through twelve as they make plans for their life after high school. Valerie provides advice and support in navigating college selections, college admissions, scholarships, and financial aid.
Valerie’s career includes three decades of service in education and philanthropy with positions at Laurel School, Oberlin College, Connecticut College, the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, United Way, and KeyBank Foundation. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Northwestern University and her master’s degree at Case Western Reserve University. She is also president of VRaines Consulting.
Her knowledge, expertise, and passion for what she does makes for an invaluable gift we are all grateful for at Hershey.
Check out our interview with Valerie below.
Where are you from and where do you now live?
I grew up in Cleveland, and lived in Illinois and Connecticut. I have traveled to most U.S. states and across Canada. I’ve also been to South America, Africa, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
What did you do before coming to Hershey?
I worked in admissions at Connecticut College and Oberlin College. I was college counselor at Laurel School (my alma mater). At KeyBank Foundation, I facilitated grants for education programs.
What brought you to Hershey?
I met Laurie and Jim Ewert-Krocker at a gala for Montessori High School in Cleveland. At the time, Hershey was looking for a college counselor for the new Upper School.
What drew you to Montessori?
My son attended Ruffing Montessori School in Cleveland Heights. As a college admissions recruiter, I visited hundreds of schools that felt like cinderblock tunnels where students had factory-like experiences. I knew I didn’t want that for my child and that all children deserved better learning environments and experiences.
What is your favorite part of your work at Hershey?
I love celebrating with 12th graders when college acceptances arrive. I also love getting started with 10th graders because we begin earlier than other schools and the students are so excited!
What is your favorite Hershey memory?
Our day trips on the Hershey bus to visit nearby colleges with our students: Allegheny, Wooster, Kent State, Hiram, Cleveland State, Case Western Reserve, Lakeland Community College, Oberlin, John Carroll, and Mount Union. I love hearing their oohs and aahs as they discover what is possible at colleges.
Where is your favorite place to go?
I long for the spectacular fireworks in Sydney, Australia every New Year’s Eve!
What is your favorite thing to do?
I love summer festivals for jazz and theater in Canada.
What is a little-known fact about you?
I’ve been cutting my own hair during COVID (don’t inspect too closely).
Who has made the biggest impact in your life and what does that impact look like?
I have benefited from a loving family and strong network of educators my whole life. I am inspired by how they have gone extra miles to foster and celebrate my successes.
What is your favorite book?
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I still wonder about those characters.
What is your favorite quote?
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Dr. Martin Luther King in “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.”
What is your favorite movie?
Fences, based upon the play by August Wilson, starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davis.
How would your friends and family describe you?
Caring, determined, always learning.
How would you describe yourself?
Always looking for ways to address big problems.
What is your happiest moment?
Seeing my son graduate (high school and college).
What is your biggest life lesson you would like to share with others?
Adapt to what life calls upon you to do and find the lessons in each situation you are in.
That is great advice and profound wisdom, Valerie.
Thank you for taking time to share with us. On behalf of students, families, and all Hershey staff, we appreciate you and greatly value what you bring to our community!