Our Mission:
To provide beautiful Montessori environments, where learning and work are integrated within a community experience engaging intellectual, moral and social development of children and adolescents from birth to eighteen years.

Students at Hershey Montessori are allowed to master skills when they’re developmentally prepared to do so.
In addition to accounting for the natural learning pace of the student, mixed-age classrooms foster peer-to-peer learning. Younger students learn from older students, and older students master skills by teaching younger students. Teachers use a variety of tools to assess the progress of each child, offering more support and structure in required areas, while allowing them time to delve deeply into each area of learning.

Hershey Montessori History
Starting at 2 months
Young Child
12 to 36 months
Children's House
3 to 6+ years
6 to 12 years
Morning and after care options are available at 7:30 a.m. and until 4:40 p.m. Learn More »
Young Child
Children's House
Visit Hershey Montessori
The student experience at Hershey Montessori is truly unique and must be observed to gain full understanding.
We invite you to visit our campuses to learn more.