
Adolescent Community at Huntsburg

A truly exceptional life and learning environment, serving adolescents ages 12 to 18 years.

Our Middle and Upper School provide the ideal setting for students to expand their knowledge and embark on adult-like responsibilities, resulting in a solid, unique foundation for young adulthood.

In her book From Childhood to Adolescence, Maria Montessori taught that a school setting with a working farm is the ideal condition for adolescents, now in the third plane of development, to learn the lessons required of this age – to work and live independently.

The Adolescent program is tailored to the developmental needs of each individual. Students of varying abilities thrive as they learn to live and work together. Integrated studies lead to sophisticated problem-solving and contributions to their school community.

Students in the Adolescent Community come from all over the world and represent a range of socio-economic backgrounds, races, religions, and cultures. As they interact on the campus, farm, and in the local community, they understand how society is organized and learn division of labor.

Beyond challenging their intellect, compassion, diplomacy and collaboration are developed through personally experiencing human and nature interdependence.

Students also learn business and entrepreneurship skills through hands-on participation in real economic activity provided by Hershey’s unique Microeconomy program.

See our Adolescent Community brochure.

See our Student Handbook.



  • Mathematics and Science
  • Stewardship
  • History
  • Language Arts
  • World Language

Personal Growth

  • Public Presentation
  • Creative & Physical Expression
  • Business & Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Practical/Farm/Kitchen Work

Residential Life & Boarding

  • Cooking and Menu Planning

  • Growing Organic Food

  • Construction and Wood Shop

  • Sustainability Practices

  • Small Business Operation

Middle School Program

Beyond intellectual development, the goal of the middle school program is to guide students to become active citizens and fully informed problem solvers within the Hershey community and beyond. 

Students work to acquire expertise in science, technology, communication and human history so they may move the story of human beings toward a new and promising chapter. Learning about other cultures expands their world perspective and helps them explore different ways to approach the challenging issues of this time. During these critical years they come to understand the planet we all live on, and the people who are our global family.

View our 7th-12th grade campus in the video below!

Upper School Program

For older adolescents, ages 15-18, the farm and its related businesses become adult-like responsibilities that create social, environmental and entrepreneurial learning opportunities. 

The integrated studies of the Upper School tackle local, social and environmental challenges as focal points. Students solve real-world problems through collective work and engaging experts, both locally and globally. They learn to apply science, history, economics, technology, mathematics, and communication to affect local and global change.

  • Pre-collegiate work level
  • Entrepreneurial and business management
  • Individualized approaches and support for student intellectual, athletic and artistic interests

See our 2023-2024 Integrated Studies pamphlet.

Why Choose Hershey’s Upper School Over Other Schools?

Read Alumni Stories

Marianna Pasaret – Alumni Spotlight

Marianna Pasaret is a 2012 graduate of the Huntsburg campus of Hershey Montessori School.  She is a current resident of Austin Texas and was recently interviewed by ESPEROS in their SoHo stories blog which focused on Lifting Women Up. Read it here! Marianna is a...

Reflection and Update from Katie Vadakin

My name is Katie Vadakin, and I grew up in the Hershey community from 18 months old to 14 years old (1997-2010), however, Hershey continues to be a part of me today. I am currently in my third year at Bentley University, a business-centered university in Boston....

Alumni Spotlight: Makenna Venaleck

This Alumni Spotlight is devoted to Makenna Venaleck. Makenna is in her fourth year as a full-time student at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, where she lives with her three roommates and Wybie, their "wonderful" cat. She will graduate in May with a B.S. in Chemical...

Interview with Hershey Alumn, Dante Calise

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Head of School Paula Leigh-Doyle, met with former Hershey Montessori School student Dante Calise, via Zoom. Paula had several questions, many of them relevant to the times we're living in.  Here is their interview conducted...

Reflection and Update from Jake Hines

Since attending Hershey Montessori School I have reminisced many times about all the incredible experiences I had there. Even now, as I sit hundreds of miles away surrounded by the warmth of a Florida winter, I can remember in the most vivid detail the lessons and...

Meet the Hershey Montessori Alumni

On March 16th, five Hershey Montessori School Alumni shared insights into our lives after Hershey Montessori School. Each of us are in different places in our lives and careers so it was interesting to see how we each have ways in common that our time at Hershey...

From Hershey Alumna to Hershey Guide – Spotlight on Saren Peetz

This month’s Spotlight is unique. We had the honor to interview Saren Peetz. Saren is a Hershey Montessori School alumna-turned-staff member. She is a Hershey Montessori Early Elementary Guide and Co-Chair of Hershey's ISACS (Independent Schools Association of the...

Alumni Spotlight: Cameron Zona

Hershey Montessori School is proud to put a spotlight on one of our alumni, Cameron Zona. Cameron was able to travel with the Mercury Theatre Company to perform in the National Performing Arts Festival on February 21-24. Cameron and his group were judged on national...

Alumni Spotlight: Amaya Varma

In this month’s Alumni Spotlight we are recognizing Amaya Varma. Amaya spent three years at Hershey Montessori School, completing 7th, 8th and 9th grade at our Huntsburg campus. Amaya attended Montessori schools her entire life, and it seemed like the natural next...

Alumni Spotlight: Maya Harwood ’20

Featuring Maya Harwood, Class of 2020 Maya is from Cleveland Ohio and attended Hershey Montessori School for sixteen years. She began her Hershey journey back in 2004 in our Children’s House program when her mom, desiring a Montessori education for her, chose Hershey...

Hershey Alumni Return, Provide Support to Students

Members of the graduating classes of 2018 and 2019 recently returned home to Hershey Montessori School for its annual Alumni Day.  The graduates hosted a panel discussion with current students where they reflected on their time at Hershey and answered questions about...

Alumni Spotlight: Ryan Harrington

Featuring Ryan Harrington This month's Alumni Spotlight features Ryan Harrington. Ryan has lived in many states across the U.S. during his life, including California, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan. He currently lives in Urbana, Illinois and is attending college at the...

Alumni Spotlight: Sarah (Whitaker) Siems

In this month’s Alumni Spotlight, we are recognizing Sarah (Whitaker) Siems. Sarah, a native to Concord Township, came to Hershey Montessori School when she was just eighteen months old in our Parent-Infant class. Her dad was the first dad to be in the Parent-Infant...

Alumni Spotlight: Elise Spintzyk

Featuring Elise Spintzyk In this Alumni Spotlight, we celebrate 2018 Hershey Montessori School graduate, Elise Spintzyk. Elise now lives in Columbus, OH with two roommates and is attending The Ohio State University where she is studying to receive her B.A. in...

Visit Hershey Montessori

The student experience at  Hershey Montessori School is truly unique and must be observed to gain full understanding.
We invite you to visit our campus to learn more.