
College Counseling

Adolescents are guided through the college discovery, testing, application, interview and acceptance processes.

College Ready

Hershey Montessori students develop qualities that college faculty value and appreciate: motivation to learn, independent thinking and research abilities, maturity to work closely with teachers and experts, strong writing and presentation skills, and longer attention spans. We provide a rigorous, project-based curriculum, which emphasizes intellectual development, responsibility, and prepares our students for further growth and future success.

Life Ready

We know that not all Hershey students enroll in college immediately following graduation. Gap programs give time for other pursuits. Sometimes students pursue employment, training, or military service that matches their interests and values. We are confident that our families choose what is best for them.

The Montessori approach to adolescent education results in distinguished graduates no matter the path they choose for their life after high school. Real life skills are integrated with rigorous academics, giving students a comprehensive education. They are well prepared to address more advanced challenges because of their extensive experiences with projects, research, and communication.

About Hershey’s College Counseling Program

Our College Counseling program is uniquely individualized. Hershey’s College Counselor works with Upper School students and families each year to discuss and further their post-secondary plans and opportunities. Every student gets one-on-one, personalized attention. Families are assisted in understanding today’s higher education options regarding programs of study, costs and ways to pay, and finding institutions that fit their values and needs. Hershey’s College Counselor also coordinates with college officials as partners and resources in the application process. You pay no additional money for this level of service. Hershey Montessori School is pleased to provide it at no cost to you.

Timeline for College Counseling Program

Hershey’s College Counseling Program begins formally in Grade 10.  We are focused on the needs of students and their desired pathway. Our program is designed for college applications to be completed at the beginning of Grade 12 for students to gain access to selective programs and scholarship opportunities.

Grade 9: Awareness of Today’s Higher Education Issues and Options
  • Attend coordinated college campus visits
  • Attend fair of 100+ colleges
  • College Financing seminar with Financial Aid Official
  • Pre-ACT administered
Grade 10: Prepare and Expand Awareness of Higher Education Options
  • Attend coordinated college campus visits
  • Attend fair of 100+ colleges
  • Suggested college lists prepared for each student
  • College Financing seminar with Financial Aid Official
  • Pre-ACT administered
  • Official ACT or SAT taken
Grade 11: Focus on Individual College Selection and Readiness
  • Attend coordinated college campus visits
  • Attend fair of 100+ colleges
  • College Financing Seminar with Financial Aid Official
  • PSAT offered
  • Pre-ACT administered
  • Official ACT taken
Grade 12: Access to Academic and Scholarship Opportunities
  • Essay development assistance
  • Application completion sessions
  • Faculty recommendation requests
  • Official ACT or SAT taken and submitted to chosen colleges
  • College Financing Seminar with Financial Aid Official

College Courses Available

Hershey has these colleges nearby: Hiram College; Lake Erie College; Lakeland Community College; and Kent State University’s Geauga Campus. Students who are advanced in their studies and accepted by a college, have the option of taking classes in summer or during their senior year. This allows students to explore a broader range of disciplines that interest them and earn transferable college credit. These students gain on-campus experience, work with college professors, and have access to campus facilities, events, services, and resources.

College Acceptances

Hershey Students have been accepted at these colleges, and more, across the U.S. Many were offered opportunities in honors or scholars programs and merit scholarships: Allegheny College, Baldwin Wallace University, Bowling Green State University, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland State University, College for Creative Studies, College of Wooster, Colorado State University, Cuyahoga Community College, Emerson College, Guilford College, Hawai’i Pacific University, Hiram College, Ithaca College, John Carroll University, Kent State University, Kenyon College, Lake Erie College, Lakeland Community College, Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Mercyhurst University, Miami University, Oberlin College, Ohio State University, Ohio University, Ohio Wesleyan University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rollins College, Salisbury University, Savannah College of Art & Design, Temple University, University of Akron, University of Cincinnati, University of Colorado, University of Dayton, University of Maine, University of Maryland, University of Mount Union, University of Tennessee, and Virginia Commonwealth University.

Contact Us

College Counseling
11530 Madison Road
Huntsburg Twp., Ohio 44046
Huntsburg Campus Map with Directions

Stori Zinkhann,
College & Career Counselor
Telephone: 440-935-4880

Facts about Hershey and the College Counseling Program


  • School Profile: School Profile
  • Enrollment: 10-20 students per grade, includes boarding and international students
  • Academic Calendar: Semesters with interim sessions for students to pursue projects
  • Grading Scale & Ranking: A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C =70-79, D = 60-69, F = 0-59. We do not rank.
  • GPA & Weighting: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. On a 4.0 scale. Grades are not weighted
  • College Credit: Students may take courses through area colleges. AP classes are not offered.
  • ACT mid-50%: 24-28 Composite
  • College Going: 80% of students choose direct entry; 20% delay college or pursue other programs
  • School Code: 365343
  • Accreditation: State of Ohio Department of Education
  • College & Career Counselor: Stori Zinkhann, szinkhann@hershey-montessori.org

Visit Hershey Montessori

The student experience at The Huntsburg campus is truly unique and must be observed to gain full understanding. We invite you to visit our campus to learn more.