Financial Assistance
Hershey Montessori School strives to assist families in need of financial assistance who are committed to a Montessori education with a needs-based financial aid process.Affording a Hershey Education
Hershey Montessori School seeks to attract and maintain a diverse student body from a variety of cultural, economic, and geographic backgrounds. Financial aid is available to new and returning families enrolled in our Children’s House, Elementary, Middle School, and High School programs. Hershey’s Financial Aid Committee uses objective criteria based upon the needs identified in the independent report from our third party service.
To be eligible for consideration for financial aid at Hershey Montessori School, you must complete your financial aid application and provide the necessary supporting documentation by January 31st for new and returning students. Applications received after the January deadline will be evaluated on a rolling basis. We will communicate decisions about financial aid along with our admissions decisions. Be sure to indicate on your admissions application that you are applying for financial aid. Application for financial aid has no bearing on admission to Hershey Montessori School. Financial Aid letters will sent in February.
Financial Aid Application Process
Hershey Montessori School uses School and Student Services (SSS) to process our financial aid applications. Based on the financial information you provide on your Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS), SSS will use a standard calculation to determine an estimated amount that your family can contribute toward educational expenses. Hershey’s Financial Aid Committee uses this estimation as a starting point from which to determine a financial aid award. If you have any questions about the SSS financial aid application visit the SSS Parent Resource section on their website or contact SSS Customer Service Center: 1-800-344-8328 or Assistance is available in English and Spanish. SSS phone support is available during the following hours:
- January 1 – March 31
9am–11pm ET weekdays and 9am–4pm ET on Saturday. Closed Sunday. - April 1 – October 31
9am–7pm ET weekdays. Closed Saturday and Sunday. - November 1 – December 31
9am–7pm ET weekdays and 9am–4pm ET on Saturday. Closed Sunday.
For New Students- Applying for Financial Aid
- Be sure to indicate on your Admission application, that you will be applying for financial aid.
- By February 3, complete a Parents Financial Statement (PFS) online.
- After submitting your PFS, you will be given instructions about submitting additional documents. Please submit signed copies of the following documents directly to SSS. (Please do not email or send tax documents to Hershey Montessori School. All tax documents must go directly to SSS.)
By February 3
- 2021 and 2022 federal tax return (1040) with all supporting schedules and forms. If self-employed please submit corresponding K-1s, form 1065 or 1120s along with your schedule E.
- 2021 and 2022 W-2s and 1099s (if applicable)
- 2021 and 2022 student federal tax return
As soon as completed:
- 2022 federal tax return with all supporting schedules and forms. If self-employed please submit corresponding K-1s, form 1065 or 1120s along with your schedule E.
In addition to the above, international students applying for financial aid must submit the following:
- A copy of 2021 and 2022 Home Country Tax Returns.
- Proof of income for 2022 and 2023 tax years.
- 2021 and 2022 student tax return – if the student files a tax return
- A completed International Student Financial Aid Profile
Divorced/Separated/Never been married parents/Guardians: Each parent/guardian must complete a PFS and submit documentation regardless of custodial arrangements. If you would like to discuss your particular situation, please do not hesitate to contact the Financial Aid Office at Hershey Montessori School. This can be a complex and confusing process, so please contact us with any questions you may have.
Special circumstances: If you have special circumstances that you would like us to consider, please explain fully in the notes section of the PFS.
International Students: A family living outside the United States needs to complete an International Student Financial Aid Profile and upload it to the PFS along with documentation to verify income.
Late applications: Families whose admission applications have been initiated after February 3, 2024, are encouraged to proceed with the financial aid application as quickly as possible.
Notification: Financial aid decisions are mailed with the admission decision letters.
Contact information
Diana Le Sieur, Director of Admissions
For Returning Students- Current Recipients of Aid
For students who currently receive financial aid
In order to be eligible for financial aid, you must submit a financial aid application each year. The PFS with 2021 and 2022 tax information is due by February 3, 2024.
By February 3, complete a Parents Financial Statement (PFS) online at Be sure to use the same login information that you used last year.
After submitting your PFS online, you will be given instructions about submitting additional documents by uploading them to your PFS. Please submit signed copies of the following documents directly to SSS. (Please do not email or send tax documents to Hershey Montessori School. All tax documents must go directly to SSS.)
- A signed copy of your 2021 and 2022 federal tax return with all supporting schedules. Your tax returns may be visible in your PFS from last year. If so, there is no need to re-submit.
- If self-employed please be sure to submit all corresponding tax information (ie: K-1s, form 1065 or 1120S, Schedule E).
- 2020 and 2021 W-2s, K-1s, 1099s, and any other documents that apply to you. Non-U.S. residents must submit income/asset verification.
- A signed copy of your 2023 federal tax return with all supporting schedules.
Families living outside the United States: In addition to the above process, please complete the International Student Financial Aid Profile and upload it to your PFS along with documentation to verify income.
Special circumstances: If you have special circumstances that you would like us to consider, please include all details in the notes section of the PFS.
Notification: Notification of financial aid decisions is made available in mid-March.
Divorced/Separated/Never been married parents/Guardians: Each parent/guardian must complete a PFS regardless of custodial arrangements. If you would like to discuss your particular situation, please do not hesitate to contact the Financial Aid Office at Hershey Montessori School. This can be a complex and confusing process, so please contact us with any questions you may have.
Contact information
Diana Le Sieur, Director of Admissions
For Returning Students - New Aid Applicants
or students who have not previously received aid
In order to be considered, documentation must be provided to explain a change in circumstances (i.e. change of employment, extreme health concerns, etc.). For returning students who are requesting aid for the first time:
- Notify the Office of Admissions that you will be applying for financial aid for the 2023-2024 school year. Please call 440-357-0918 or email Lakisha Wingard, Director of Admissions
- By February 3, 2024, complete a Parents Financial Statement (PFS) online.
- Send a letter to the Office of Financial Aid which describes the change of circumstances that precipitates the need for financial assistance. Include in this letter any special circumstances that you would like us to consider.
- After submitting your PFS online, you will be given instructions about submitting additional documents by uploading them to your PFS. Please submit signed copies of the following documents directly to SSS by February 3, 2024. (Please do not email or send tax documents to Hershey Montessori School. All tax documents must go directly to SSS.)
- A signed copy of your 2021 and 2022 federal tax return with all supporting schedules and forms. Upon completion send the 2023 federal tax return with all supporting schedules and forms. If self-employed please submit corresponding K-1s, form 1065 or 1120s along with your schedule E.
Families living outside the United States: In addition to the PFS online, please complete the International Student Financial Aid Profile and upload it to your PFS along with documentation to verify income.
Divorced/Separated/Never been married parents/Guardians: Each parent/guardian must complete a PFS and submit supporting documents. If you would like to discuss your particular situation, please do not hesitate to contact the Financial Aid Office at Hershey Montessori School. This can be a complex and confusing process, so please contact us with any questions you may have.
Notification: Notification of financial aid decisions is made available in mid-March.
Financial Aid Application Checklist
Please consider the following as you prepare to submit your application for financial aid:
- indicate on your admission application that you will be applying for financial aid.
- Submit completed Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) online. Applications can be completed at SSS’s Family Portal.
- The application fee is $55 and is nonrefundable.
- Hershey Montessori School’s financial aid policy requires a signed copy of the family’s Federal Tax Return (1040) and W2’s or 1099’s to be submitted, along with the application, to SSS.
- Students living outside the United States – Complete and submit
- International students must complete an International Student Financial Aid Profile.
If you have any questions related to financial aid, please feel free to contact the Director of Admissions, Lakisha Wingard with your financial aid questions. Hershey Montessori School’s financial aid program is administered in the strictest of confidence. We request that recipients and their families keep their award information confidential as well.

Admission & Enrollment Deadlines
Applications for Fall 2025
Rolling Admission
Financial Aid Application
January 31, 2025 (Priority deadline)
Hershey Montessori School’s SSS ID Number is: 3845
When will I be informed of the decision?
Financial aid will be finalized when all relevant forms mentioned above have been received. Parents are notified of financial aid decisions by email for international, domestic, and local applicants. The student’s admission application needs to have been received by Hershey Montessori School for the financial aid application to be considered so that an estimated award can be given. The formal award letter is offered when the student has been accepted. While first consideration will be given to applications received by January 31, applications received after that will be reviewed on a rolling basis depending on the availability of funds. Written acceptance of the award must be sent within the two-week time period specified in the award agreement. After this two week period, the school considers the offer declined and the funds will be reallocated,
Additional Resources
Tips for International Applicants
Family Guide to Financial Aid (English)
Family Guide to Financial Aid (Spanish)
529 Plans are tax-advantaged savings plans designed to encourage saving for educational costs. These qualified tuition plans are sponsored by states, state agencies, or educational institutions and are authorized by Section 529 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Recent changes in the tax code allow these funds, previously restricted to post-secondary education, to now be used for private school tuition.
Please Note: Meeting all deadlines is an important part of the process. Returning families are required to follow this application process each year. Financial aid is awarded annually and for one year at a time.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply for financial aid at a school that uses SSS?
Go to SSS at
1. Be sure to submit your Parent Financial Statement (PFS) by the appropriate deadline. By signing the PFS electronically, parents indicate that they have filled out the PFS with the best available knowledge. They agree to inform the school of any changes in their financial situation. The preliminary financial aid award may be adjusted once the file is complete with the required documentation.
2. By the date specified, upload to the Family Portal W-2s, 1099s, 4506-Ts, and most recent tax return (if applying for financial aid for the first time).
3. By the date specified, upload to the Family Portal the just-completed income tax return for the previous year, including all schedules, and forms. (W-2s and 1099s should have already been sent to SSS.)
Schools will often reserve the right to request additional financial information from financial aid applicants or their parents. You may call 800-344-8328 with any questions about your PFS or about SSS.
What does SSS do?
SSS uses a methodology to compute a family’s ability to pay for educational expenses for all their children in tuition-charging institutions — and the end result is a number that represents how much a family can pay toward tuition. This methodology takes
into consideration taxable and non-taxable income, assets, liabilities, family size, and the number of children in tuition-charging institutions. After allowances for required and basic necessities, a portion of remaining resources are considered available
for education on a sliding scale.
Will applying for financial aid have an impact on the admissions decision for my child?
Financial aid decisions are made after a student has been admitted. For this reason, you should apply for financial aid at the same time that you start the application process. SSS will compute the amount your family can pay toward tuition and, once you are accepted, the Financial Aid Committee at the school will take this number into consideration to calculate your financial aid award.
What is the range of aid that is give?
This varies at Hershey Montessori School based on program level, number of years a child or family has been enrolled at Hershey Montessori School. It is important to note that, with very few exceptions, families will pay some tuition.
Do I have to reapply each year for financial aid?
At most schools, including Hershey Montessori School, a student’s need is recalculated annually. Therefore, parents and caregivers are required to submit the PFS along with the other required documentation each year for review by the school’s Financial Aid Committee.
If only one parent works outside of the home, will the student be considered for financial aid?
We recognize that families have the freedmom to make choices regarding their financial status. If only one parent works outside the home, the Financial Aid Committee, according to Hershey Montessori School policy, will add to the income of the family. An exception to this policy might occur if the parent at home is caring for a preschool-aged child, a child with a disability, a seriously ill child, parent or grandparent, or if there are other special circumstances. Parents should present these possible exceptions at the end of the PFS before submitting.
I am single, divorced, or no longer living with my child's other parent, what information with the Financial Aid Committee require in order to determine an award?
At Hershey Montessori School, we believe that all parents have an obligation to contribute to the expense of educating their child. All parents/guardians must complete the PFS and submit the required documentation in order for the school to gain a realistic picture of family resources.
Please note: When parents complete separate PFSs, they must spell the student’s name correctly. For example, they should not use all capital or lowercase characters. If the child has a suffix (Jr., III, etc.) both PFSs much indicate the same suffix.
The Financial Aid Committee will not be bound by the assertation that one parent has disclaimed responsibility for education expenses. If the custodial parent has not heard from the non-custodial parent for a period of time to be determined by the Financial Aid Committee or the involvement of the non-custodial parent is not in the best interest of the student, the above requirements may be waived. An letter of explanation and verification from a third party such as a minister, attorney, or social worker may be required.
If either parent has remarried, the needs analysis considers the assets and earnings potential of the step-parent in conjunction with the natural parent, keeping in mind the step-parents responsibility to his/her/their own children.
If my student lives with their guardians, what information will the Financial Aid Committee require?
Children who are living with guardians are usually reviewed on an individual basis. If the parents are still living and are claiming their child on their tax return, the parents and possible, the guardians must complete the PFS and submit the required documention. If other family members have custody, they must also complete the PFS and submit required documentation. The school’s Financial Aid Committee may require proof of custody.
If we received financial aid but cannot pay the "family contribution" noted in the award, is there an appeal process?
At Hershey Montessori School, if a family has new information that was not included in the PFS and might have some bearing on the financial aid award, the parents should include that information in a letter to the Financial Aid Committee via the SSS Portal or by email to the Director of Admissions.
How do I fill out the Parent Financial Statement if I do not have my W-2?
If you do not have a W-2 handy, you can figure out your income/wages and salaries for the PFS by using year-to-date information from your most recent paystub. This can be done by following these steps:
1. Find gross regular earnings year-to-date from paycheck stub.
2. Subtract pre-tax contributions, for example: flex plan/125 cons; 401(k) or 403(b) contributions; other pre-tax income deductions.
3. That figure should be close to waht would appear in Box 1 of the W-2, so please include that on the PFS.
If I am a late applicant, is financial aid still an option?
If you are considering filing a late application and believe you will need financial aid, we advise that you check in with the admissions office before submitting an application. Please email Director of Admissions, Diana Le Sieur at or call 440-357-0918.