Welcome Hershey Parents!
As parents, we come together to support our children during their journey at Hershey Montessori. This section of the web site provides parents of current students with the latest news, information on upcoming events, opportunities to get involved and access to all required forms.
Parent Portal Sign-In
Access Transparent Classroom to view contact information, class lists, rosters and progress reports. Annual forms are completed and submitted online through this portal.
Get Involved
Several events throughout the year depend on our community of parents working together. Take a moment to fill out the online volunteer form!
School Closings
Emergency closing due to extreme weather conditions or other circumstances.
Events, News, and Calendars
Hershey Community Drive-In 2024: Wonka!
Get ready for a scrumdiddlyumptious adventure at our spectacular end-of-school-year drive-in movie event featuring the one and only "Wonka" movie! Load up the car with your loved ones and head to our magical outdoor cinema for an evening filled with candy-coated fun...
Grandparents & Special Friends Day at Concord
Hershey Montessori School invites you to Grandparents or Special Friends Day at the Concord Campus on Friday, May 3, 2024, from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. We look forward to welcoming Grandparents or Special Friends in the gym with refreshments. They will be guided to the...
Adolescent’s Grandparents & Special Friends Day
Our adolescent students are hosting Hershey Montessori School's annual Grandparents & Special Friends Day at our 7th-12th grade Huntsburg campus. This event will be held Friday, April 26, from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, at the Huntsburg Campus located at 11530 Madison...
Download Concord's Academic Calendar
Download Huntsburg's Academic Calendar
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